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5 Apr 2012, 7:51 pm by Renee Newman Knake
  For those unable to join us, Bridget Crawford will be guest-blogging here at the LEF as our featured live (or semi-live) blogger at the event. [read post]
29 Nov 2007, 12:48 pm
I tag Kathleen Bergin and Josie Brown, Caitlin Borgmann, Al Brophy, Erin Buzuvis, Bridget Crawford, Michael Froomkin, Jared Greer, Liz Losh, Nancy McClernan, KC Sheehan, and Dr. [read post]
27 May 2007, 7:13 am
  Share your views with Amazon’s Customer Service reps: Phone toll-free in the US and Canada: (800) 201-7575 Phone from outside the US and Canada: (206) 346-2992 or (206)-266-2992 or (206) 266-2335 E-mail: (doesn’t always work) -Bridget Crawford [read post]