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21 Apr 2023, 4:43 am by Paras Shah
Caroline is a Visiting Professor at Georgetown Law and a Senior Fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice. [read post]
In our latest financial services and sustainability video, Caroline Herkströter and Simon Lovegrove discuss BaFin’s guidance notice on sustainability risk. [read post]
16 Nov 2008, 5:47 pm
Caroline: Perry Mason is a fictional character, darling. [read post]
5 Jun 2009, 2:03 pm
” Anyway, you can see much more of what the Honourable Caroline Flint has to contribute here. [read post]
3 May 2010, 5:41 pm by INFORRM
The Von Hannover Case Princess Caroline’s new case again concerns photographs published in the German press. [read post]
8 Apr 2009, 9:14 am
The inaugural class of students in the University of Louisville Law Clinic: Dustin Thacker, Becca O'Neill, Chad Reid, Christopher McDavid, Caroline Lynch Pieroni, and Amy Jay. [read post]
22 Jan 2009, 8:33 am
Now that Caroline Kennedy has officially withdrawn her name from consideration for Hillary Clinton's Senate seat, it's time to look at the other names on the list.News reports say that New York Governor David Paterson isn't inclined to appoint New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and will instead give the seat to New York Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand, who has only been in the House of Representatives for two years.Many women activists have called on Paterson to appoint… [read post]
13 Nov 2007, 4:25 pm
Today ACLU Legislative Director Caroline Fredrickson sounded the alarm in HuffPost on Congress's next act of capitulation: approving and even expanding the White House's warrantless wiretapping program: Congress is under no obligation to pass this bad legislation, and can easily let the Protect America Act expire. [read post]
19 Dec 2011, 5:30 am
Not far from Jacksonville, Hillsborough County Judge Caroline Tesche is dealing with a "dead-beat dad" who owes approximately $10 million in child and spousal support. [read post]
24 Feb 2011, 1:09 pm
Senator Jennifer Beck, Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon and Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande are pleased to announce that Governor Chris Christie’s budget will give an additional $7.3 million in state aid to area schools. [read post]
20 Feb 2012, 3:00 am by Liz Wu
The North Caroline Department of Juvenile Justice and Deliquency Prevention has an opening for a Reclaiming Futures Trainer who will provide training and technical assistance to existing and newly developed sites to help build statewide capacity for Reclaiming Futures. [read post]
28 Nov 2007, 4:11 pm
Huda Krad and Caroline Kwak from Loyola University Chicago School of Law won the Thomas Tang National Moot Court Competition sponsored by the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association. [read post]
19 May 2016, 2:45 pm by Thaddeus Hoffmeister
Regina Schuller Caroline Erentzen The Challenge for Cause Procedure in Canadian Criminal Law Abstract:       There is a longstanding presumption in Canadian law that jurors will act impartially in carrying out their duties, but this presumption may be challenged when the defendant is a member of a racialized minority group. [read post]
27 Oct 2013, 2:32 pm
Three people are in the hospital after falling from a ride at the North Caroline Fairgrounds this week. [read post]
1 May 2018, 1:37 pm by Tom Kosakowski
If you are interested, please contact Caroline Adams at caroline . adams @ ucsb . edu [remove spaces].Get More Information -- Follow the ABA Ombuds Committee webpage for details, toolkits, and more. [read post]
27 Nov 2020, 7:54 am by ernst
Caroline Laske, a research fellow at the Ghent Legal History Institute (Belgium) and the holder of a Heinz Heinen fellowship at the Bonn Centre for Dependency and Slavery Studies (Germany), has published Law, Language and Change: A Diachronic Semantic Analysis of Consideration in the Common Law (Brill, 2020):In this monograph, Caroline Laske traces the advent of consideration in English contract law, by analysing the doctrinal development, in parallel with the corresponding… [read post]