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1 Mar 2010, 2:15 am by Michael Glennon
Including the Council would cause the prosecutorial process to rest upon a “green light” by the Security Council – a finding that an act of aggression has occurred. [read post]
10 Sep 2023, 12:08 am by David Pocklington
: on Green v The Lichfield Diocesan Board of Finance [2023] UKET 2409635/2022, which we noted here. [read post]
18 Oct 2022, 6:30 am by Kelly Goles
The British Crown was established as the governing authority in 1763 after the conquest of New France. [read post]
26 Jan 2010, 11:40 pm by charonqc
But there were key differences: Frances Inglis’s son, Thomas, 22, who had brain damage, had never indicated an intention to die. [read post]
26 Sep 2010, 10:08 pm by Marie Louise
OHIM (IPKat) Under 1% of patents account for close to 50% of overall patent value in Europe – UPDATED (IAM) Brandjacking Index on luxury goods brings more gloom (IPKat) Brussels approves more GI grants, amendments (Class 46) France Post-expiry saisie-contrefaçon: only an issue in France? [read post]
5 May 2019, 11:37 am by Kevin LaCroix
    I arrived in Paris on May 1, which is the annual May Day holiday in France. [read post]
22 Nov 2010, 9:15 am by Kevin O'Keefe
123, or 62%, of the 2010 AmLaw 200 law firms are now blogging. [read post]
8 Nov 2009, 7:44 pm
(IPKat)   Finland Finnish Customs sees more counterfeit action in 2009 than previous years, according to financial newspaper Kauppalehti (Class 46)   France Paris Tribunal de Grande instance now has exclusive jurisdiction for all patent disputes in France (Managing Intellectual Property)   India India’s traditional knowledge database wins early successes at EPO (Spicy IP) Gandhi-Mont Blanc dispute ‘almost settled’ (Spicy IP)… [read post]
8 Nov 2009, 7:44 pm
(IPKat) Finland Finnish Customs sees more counterfeit action in 2009 than previous years, according to financial newspaper Kauppalehti (Class 46) France Paris Tribunal de Grande instance now has exclusive jurisdiction for all patent disputes in France (Managing Intellectual Property) India India's traditional knowledge database wins early successes at EPO (Spicy IP) Gandhi-Mont Blanc dispute 'almost settled' (Spicy IP) Ramkumar's patent covering dual SIM phones… [read post]
8 Nov 2009, 7:44 pm
(IPKat)   Finland Finnish Customs sees more counterfeit action in 2009 than previous years, according to financial newspaper Kauppalehti (Class 46)   France Paris Tribunal de Grande instance now has exclusive jurisdiction for all patent disputes in France (Managing Intellectual Property)   India India’s traditional knowledge database wins early successes at EPO (Spicy IP) Gandhi-Mont Blanc dispute ‘almost settled’ (Spicy IP) Ramkumar’s patent… [read post]
27 Sep 2014, 8:10 am
”In line with the views of his party in France, Moscovici is an advocate of free trade and the conclusion of TTIP, which might help him to find future common ground with his German critics.The official mission letter from President Juncker to Commissioner-designate Moscovici is available here. [read post]
25 Jun 2012, 10:39 am by Geoffrey Rapp
Football: A Comparison of Agent Regulation in France’s Ligue 1 and the National Football League, 2 PACE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW FORUM 1 (2012) Emily Battersby & Wolfgang G. [read post]
9 Jun 2011, 2:41 pm by Vincent LoTempio
In a recent fashion show, Yves Saint Laurent displayed a variety of shoes (i.e. purple shoes with purple soles, green shoes with green soles and, finally, red shoes with red soles). [read post]
6 Apr 2020, 2:52 am by Bright!Tax Writers
The rule is that all American citizens and Green Card holders have to report all of their income on Form 1040 every year, wherever they are living or their income is sourced. 2 – Expats get an automatic filing extension Normally, expats receive an automatic two month filing extension, so the filing deadline for expats is June 15th. [read post]
28 Mar 2022, 6:32 am by Kyle Hulehan
France lowered the standard statutory corporate income tax rate in 2022 to the current 25.83 percent (including the 3.3 percent social surcharge). [read post]
7 Jun 2011, 12:25 pm by Geoffrey Rapp
Green, Considerations for professional sports teams contemplating going public, 31 NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 69 (2010) Anthony G. [read post]