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8 Apr 2024, 3:05 pm
’” Deputy District Attorney Rebekah Wise wrote in court documents. [read post]
9 Jun 2012, 5:17 pm
Both Rebekah Brooks and Sun editor Dominic Mohan had called May at the time, on May 11, 2011. [read post]
25 Mar 2016, 7:59 am
The governor, a former Baptist deacon, acknowledged he said “some inappropriate things” to his senior political adviser, Rebekah Caldwell Mason. [read post]
15 May 2018, 3:43 pm
Rebekah VanBuren, a woman was charged with violating Vermont’s recently-enacted revenge porn law. [read post]
26 Sep 2011, 3:46 am
Allie Spence & Horne Solicitors Michael Ashe Southwark Law Centre Abimbola Badejo 5 Pump Court Rebecca Bahar Cambridge House Christopher Balog Arden Chambers Samitra Balu Tyndallwoods Solicitors Frances Barratt South West Law (Legal Services in the Community) Ltd Justin Bates Arden Chambers Ian Beachley Moss Beachley Mullem & Coleman Sophie Bell Hodge Jones & Allen LLP Lucia Benyu Peters Legal Ann Bevington Fisher Meredith LLP… [read post]
8 May 2023, 12:22 am
Art, Music and Copyright Rebekah Vardy, wife of football player Jamie Vardy and unsuccessful claimant in last year’s Vardy v Rooney [2022] EWHC 2017 (QB) libel trial, has secured trademark registration of WAGATHA CHRISTIE for a wide range of goods and services. [read post]
23 Oct 2013, 5:05 pm
As News International’s settlements continue to mount, and as we await the start of criminal trials involving senior editorial figures including Andy Coulson and Rebekah Brooks, it will become even more tempting to reduce the problem to one of preventing criminality. [read post]
3 Jan 2010, 2:01 pm
Rebekah Warren, D-Ann Arbor, is receiving testimony, Schuitmaker said. [read post]
11 Dec 2011, 11:53 pm
It includes letters from Rebekah Brooks, James Murdoch, Tom Crone, Linklaters, Colin Myler and Neville Thurlbeck. [read post]
20 Jun 2021, 4:14 pm
Untold Stories: The Daniel Morgan Murder – Peter Jukes On 18 June Steyn J heard an application to strike out part of the Defence in the high profile claim of Rebekah Vardy v Coleen Rooney. [read post]
4 Oct 2020, 4:04 pm
It has been reported that Coleen Rooney has served a 55 page defence in the libel claim brought against her by Rebekah Vardy. [read post]
11 Apr 2012, 4:56 am (Mike McBride) Defining Truly Cloud-Capable eDiscovery Software – (John Patzakis) Documents Produced After Discovery Cut-Off Date Without Judicial Permission, May Not Be Relied Upon By Producing Party Or Its Experts – (Gregory Joseph) DOJ Guidelines for ESI in Federal Criminal Cases – (BLLAWG) eDiscovery Best Practices: A Staged Look At Process And Law – (@OrangeLT) eDiscovery Cost Reduction Strategies… [read post]
23 Aug 2018, 9:01 pm
His Close Pal Sells Insurance to Cabs.ProPublica – Rebekah Allen | Published: 8/23/2018 Ride-sharing companies are not coming to many parts of Louisiana anytime soon because the state does not have legislation in place allowing them to operate. [read post]
3 Feb 2020, 11:56 am
Louisiana’s admitting-privileges law (as enforced by Rebekah Gee in her capacity as Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health) causes those injuries, and a court order enjoining the law would redress them. [read post]
5 Feb 2015, 4:09 pm
(a) Rebekah Brooks (b) Clive Goodman (c) Boris Johnson (d) Mr Justice Saunders (14) In what context was the following remark made-“Andy Coulson continues to endure appalling indignities in prison”? [read post]
11 Apr 2020, 9:00 am
When Rebekah Brooks, CEO of the Murdoch News International (now NewsUK), ‘resigned’ briefly in 2012, her compensation was £10.9 million. [read post]
30 May 2017, 3:26 am
Newspapers Journalism and Regulation Byline has published Part 7 of its ‘Byline Investigates the Sun’ series, which claims that Rebekah Brooks oversaw a front-page story knowing it was based on the hacked voicemails of a football manager and his girlfriend. [read post]
21 Feb 2012, 3:26 am
Max Clifford revealed he was as good at negotiating deals for himself as for his clients when he explained how he had settled his own phone hacking claim against the News of the World over a “quiet lunch” in Mayfair with Rebekah Brooks. [read post]
8 Apr 2016, 6:02 am
Robert Bentley and a woman on the other end believed to be his senior adviser Rebekah Mason. [read post]
3 Nov 2010, 5:38 am
Rep. 03 Rebekah Davis (D) C Lost NH U.S. [read post]