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26 Feb 2019, 10:00 am by Katherine Gallo
Now opposing counsel is stating the discovery is after the cutoff and inadmissible and the doctor  can’t testify because expert disclosure has passed. [read post]
4 May 2016, 8:00 am by Robert Kreisman
Related blog posts: $3 Million Jury Verdict for Brain Damaged Baby Caused by Delay in Delivery by Nurses Illinois Jury Finds for Doctor in Newborn Brain Injury Case; Eckstein v. [read post]
12 Jan 2015, 11:32 am by James Fox
Prior to the Griswold decision in 1965, Connecticut and other states selectively enforced birth control laws against clinics, leaving wealthier women and couples free to violate the law with the help of their doctors. [read post]
20 Jun 2011, 1:29 pm by Christine Dowling
United States, further paring back applicability of the exclusionary rule, while Sotomayor penned J.B.D. v. [read post]
20 Sep 2011, 6:04 am by Viking
" KIVITV reports that: United States v. [read post]
20 Jul 2015, 5:29 pm by Nancy E. Halpern, DVM, Esq.
For example compare the recent article published in the New York Times, titled Modern Doctors’ House Calls: Skype Chat and Fast Diagnosis with the recent decision in the 5th Circuit, Hines v. [read post]
2 May 2010, 7:21 am by (Ann Althouse)
The other prevents mothers from suing doctors who withhold information about fetal birth defects. [read post]