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21 Mar 2016, 2:11 pm
 This said, [para 81] "there has been very little consideration in any of the case law of what amounts to "reporting" a current event", although in BBC v BSB [para 82] Scott J held also news of a sporting character could fall within the scope of the defence.(3) Fair dealingIn Ashdown [one of the key cases on defences under UK law] Lord Phillips noted the impossibility of laying down "any hard-and-fast definition of what is fair dealing, for it is… [read post]
30 Jun 2023, 5:48 am by Rebecca Tushnet
Chair: Daphne Keller: EU heavy compliance obligations + a bunch of other laws coming into effect right as platforms are laying off people who know how to do that—a bumpy road. [read post]
24 Sep 2013, 8:33 am by Graham Smith
  They said much the same for use of a trade mark in L’Oreal v eBay. [read post]
7 Dec 2021, 8:44 am by Eugene Volokh
I'll begin by laying out a few categories of situations where the risk of reputational harm is especially serious, and then summarize the state of court decisions on the subject. [1.] [read post]
20 Apr 2018, 8:36 am by Venkat Balasubramani
These standards massively diverge from the paradigmatic lay expectations of what constitutes stalking or harassment. [read post]