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1 Aug 2008, 9:40 pm
In May of this year a young army sergeant named Shiloh Harris underwent a history making surgery in Texas. [read post]
4 May 2017, 9:34 am
May patentable subject matter under § 101 properly be assessed by over-generalizing patent claims to a “gist”? [read post]
10 Oct 2023, 11:14 am
” Unfortunately, for the prosecutor tasked with investigating President Joe Biden, it may not prove a laughing matter. [read post]
21 Apr 2009, 1:10 pm
Thus, the Gundogdus were precluded as a matter of law from arguing that they proceeded diligently once the truth of the condition of their property was discovered, as necessary to sustain a claim of equitable estoppel. [read post]
26 Apr 2020, 8:19 am
With the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic now framed as one of the planet’s major battles, it may be worth considering the historical record on the timing of turning points in matters of war. [read post]
6 Aug 2012, 10:33 am
I haven’t followed the details of this controversy, but as a general matter the NCAA is not treated as a state actor, even though it has many state universities as members (though the answer may be different as to other organizations that are more dominated by public institutions, especially public institutions operated by the same state, see Brentwood Academy v. [read post]
12 Aug 2010, 6:00 pm
In "Effective Expert Preparation and Presentation," in The Advocate Magazine, May 2010, the Honorable Peter J. [read post]
14 May 2010, 10:41 am
17 Jan 2011, 8:05 pm
Id. at 176-78 (quoting In re Will of Rittenhouse, 19 N.J. 376, 378-79 (1955)).4 Inter vivos transfers may also be subjected to undue influence analysis. [read post]
17 May 2013, 1:37 am
Reader note: ‘as a matter of law’. [read post]
8 Mar 2022, 7:46 am
This duty requires employees to act primarily for the benefit of their employer in all matters connected with their employment. [read post]
21 Feb 2022, 7:16 am
Even if the idea that your marriage may not last may be unthinkable, you should still consider this possibility and make plans for how you and your partner will handle matters if you do choose to get divorced in the future. [read post]
13 Nov 2015, 3:04 pm
It’s not a situation anyone wants to find themselves in, but no matter how careful you are an animal may jump in front of your car, causing a collision. [read post]
22 Aug 2009, 8:41 am
Rather than suing the bankrupt company, the employees sued three individuals: the company's CEO (who owned 70% of the business), the person responsible for handling labor and employment matters at the company (who owned the remaining 30%), and the CFO (a nonowner). [read post]
27 Apr 2020, 9:04 am
These are but initial comments to advise the FCC as to whether there is sufficient interest to pursue this matter further. [read post]
30 Mar 2023, 8:56 am
A parent may also ask children to convey messages to the other parent, forcing them to become involved in discussions about matters that should stay between parents, or they may ask children to keep secrets from the other parent. [read post]
17 Aug 2021, 9:46 am
Need help with a government contracting legal matter? [read post]
8 Dec 2021, 10:10 am
Discrimination is often a complicated matter. [read post]
27 May 2011, 6:53 am
In a case that involves the most private of places—the home—where the Fourth Amendment has been said to draw a firm, but bright line at the threshold, the Supreme Court held that police officers may enter without a warrant when they fear the occupants might be destroying the very thing they otherwise needed consent to inspect. [read post]
17 Feb 2014, 6:00 am
To help keep clients informed of progress, consider using interim reporting letters for all but the simplest and briefest matters. [read post]