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28 Mar 2017, 7:00 am
I am hopeful that I will contribute to change for underprivileged communities. ______________________ [1] [2] Adam Dodek & Alice Woolley, eds, In Search of the Ethical Lawyer: Stories from the Canadian Legal Profession (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2016) at 8. [3] Ibid. [4] [5] Ibid [read post]
21 Apr 2012, 6:52 am
Adam Dodek appears to think so. [read post]
11 Nov 2016, 4:00 am
University of Ottawa professor Adam Dodek and Law Society of Upper Canada Treasurer Paul Schabas were entertaining on a panel, Dodek explaining how law schools are viewed by law societies (outdated, out of touch, out of time), and Schabas suggesting law societies are viewed by law schools as stuck in a 1950s view of curriculum requirements, and just worried about raising dues. [read post]
14 Feb 2013, 7:05 am
Adam Dodek has been an occasional blogger with us for some time. [read post]
15 Jan 2017, 11:29 am
University of Ottawa law professor Adam Dodek was quoted in the “Toronto Star”, saying: “Lawyers who have sex with their clients should be subject to a mandatory penalty of disbarment, the ultimate penalty that law societies can impose on lawyers. [read post]
17 Apr 2023, 4:00 am
… Double Aspect It’s Not What You Think Originalism has long been, in Adam Dodek’s pithy phrase, a “dirty word” in Canadian constitutional law. [read post]
27 Mar 2023, 4:00 am
Pour … Double AspectIt’s Not What You Think Originalism has long been, in Adam Dodek’s pithy phrase, a “dirty word” in Canadian constitutional law. [read post]
1 Apr 2014, 7:34 am
. -30- Contact: Douglas Judson President, Law Students’ Society of Ontario Email: [hat tip: Adam Dodek] [read post]
28 Mar 2017, 10:00 am
She wrote this short paper for Professor Adam Dodek’s Professional Responsibility course. ___________________________ [1] Allan C Hutchinson, “In the Public Interest: The Responsibilities and Rights of Government Lawyers” (2008) 46:1 Osgoode Hall LJ 105 at 113, 115. [2] Adam Dodek, “Lawyering at the Intersection of Public Law and Legal Ethics: Government Lawyers as Custodians of the Rule of Law” (2010) 33:1 Dal LJ 1 at 20. [3] Ibid. [read post]
22 Jan 2016, 4:00 am
In a letter submitted in response to this request, myself, along with fellow legal ethics Slaw columnists, Adam Dodek, Alice Woolley, and Malcolm Mercer, along with Brent Cotter, submitted that the OSC should not include in-house counsel in its proposed whistleblowing policy for reasons including those outlined here. [read post]
12 Feb 2016, 8:00 am
According to Professor Adam Dodek, “while law firms are ever present in the practise of law, they are peripheral in the regulation of lawyers in Canada. [read post]
17 Dec 2015, 8:28 am
#law #legal— Adam Dodek (@ADodek) December 16, 2015#clawbies2015 : My vote is for @Condo_Adviser for best new law blog and most distinct look! [read post]
9 Jul 2013, 4:30 am
The two I belong to are active and very stimulating indeed: ULC_ECOMM-L A list managed by John Gregory about electronic commerce (his posts to which can be read on Slaw) CMLETHICS-L A list managed by Adam Dodek about legal ethics (see this CALE blog post) Here are leads to a few others I've found, some of which will be more active than others: The Canadian Bar Association has five national email lists (all of which require membership) National Alternate Dispute Resolution Section… [read post]
29 Nov 2013, 7:49 am
Professor Adam Dodek, member of the Legal Futures Initiative’s Education and Training Team, believes this exemplifies a collective failure within a law firm, rather than simply the acts of individual lawyers, and thus demonstrates a gap in the regulation of lawyers (see his 2012 paper Regulating Law Firms for more). [read post]
31 Mar 2017, 7:00 am
Her experiences as a law student inspired her to write this piece for Adam Dodek’s course in Professional Responsibility. _______________________ [1] Stephen Wexler, “Practicing Law for Poor People” (1970) 79: 5 Yale LJ 1049 at 1063, online: [read post]
27 May 2011, 10:40 am
Antwerp ; New York : Intersentia, 1999- See Catalog Judicial independence JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE IN CONTEXT EDITED BY ADAM DODEK & LORNE SOSSIN Toronto : Irwin Law, 2010 670473824 K3367 .J826 2010 See Catalog Jurisprudence -- Canada HEALTH LAW AT THE SUPREME COURT OF CANADA EDITED BY JOCELYN DOWNIE & ELAINE GIBSON Toronto : Irwin Law, 2007 KE3646 .H43 2007 See Catalog Law and art CRIMES AGAINST ART : INTERNATIONAL ART AND CULTURAL HERITAGE LAW BONNIE… [read post]
23 Jul 2015, 4:00 am
Adam Dodek, The Canadian ConstitutionWhat kind of idiot would I be if I didn’t recommend my own book that I wrote specifically for Canadians with no knowledge of their own Constitution? [read post]
24 Jul 2015, 11:45 am
The chapter was prepared by Professor Adam Dodek (University of Ottawa), along with several writers from the National Judicial Institute, the Canadian Judicial Council, American College of Trial Lawyers, Environment Canada, and notably, Joe Cecil & the Federal Judicial Center. [read post]
10 Apr 2019, 4:00 am
(Craig Forcese’s post explains the principles very well, and Adam Dodek makes a persuasive argument that conjoining the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice roles is a mistake). [read post]
12 Dec 2018, 9:35 am
#clawbies2018— Meg Reuben (@Scheenel) December 12, 2018Great open access teaching tool and blawg for the rest of us worthy of #clawbies2018 Kudos to @jonfestinger @AllardLaw— Adam Dodek (@ADodek) December 12, 2018#clawbies2018 "Jumping Off the Ivory Tower" presents a dedicated effort to inform listeners about important work going on both in Canada and internationally, especially regarding improving… [read post]