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23 Feb 2021, 4:38 pm
In authorizing the conversion of underutilized strip malls or “big box” stores to residential spaces, SB 6 requires the residential units be built at a minimum density to accommodate affordable housing. [read post]
31 Dec 2013, 10:01 pm
They are: Statute: It says that any state statute conflicting with Section 9 of the PMO overrides the PMO. [read post]
8 May 2016, 2:26 pm
9. [read post]
8 May 2016, 2:26 pm
9. [read post]
29 Jun 2022, 6:09 pm
One database thinks I still live in the home we sold 12 years ago, based on a grocery store discount card I obtained while living in the old house and which I continue to use today. [read post]
30 Jun 2014, 2:08 pm
Hobby Lobby Stores Inc., which he obviously does not. [read post]
22 Dec 2022, 9:01 pm
Leftovers should be stored in containers in the fridge within two hours and eaten within three days or frozen. [read post]
16 May 2016, 3:18 pm
., Case No. 1:15-cv-02362 (May 9, 2016, M.D. [read post]
13 Jan 2022, 1:55 am
Forgoing tax revenue in the short term affords businesses the opportunity to prioritize human and physical capital investment. [read post]
28 Feb 2018, 6:38 am
9:00 am to 3:00 P.M. [read post]
9 Feb 2022, 6:52 am
Unlike a conventional embassy, it would be nothing more than a room full of servers, storing data essential to keep the Estonian government and its core public services running should the country’s main servers get wiped out back home. [read post]
6 Feb 2009, 11:32 am
There is massive confusion and uncertainty in the small and home business community. [read post]
11 Jul 2022, 2:50 pm
This information or any portion thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association or the copyright holder. [read post]
23 Aug 2023, 6:05 am
As of Aug. 16, at least 106 people were reported dead in the island-consuming blaze, and some 2,000 buildings, stores, and sacred places in the town of Lahaina burned to the ground. [read post]
8 Aug 2009, 6:09 am
Offer smaller portion options in public places.9. [read post]
2 Nov 2009, 5:03 pm
The means of many DRM protocols have often led to complications, which have left many consumers without access to their purchased media, and have often confounded their rights.[3] A great deal of these problems stem from the fact that music stored on a computer is not necessarily protected under the Audio Home Recording Act ("AHRA") leaving much ambiguity regarding the rights and regulations of consumer copying.[4] II. [read post]
8 May 2007, 4:43 pm
Make copies of any financial data stored on your home computer. 3. [read post]
25 Mar 2011, 5:36 pm
(2) Focus on what can be counted in a practical and affordable manner [read post]
25 Feb 2021, 7:31 am
Our homes are affordable. [read post]
18 Apr 2019, 7:56 am
Expansion of the sale of beer and wine to corner stores, big box stores and more grocery stores. [read post]