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30 Jul 2015, 6:37 am
” And this is a guy who teaches law at Georgetown? [read post]
7 Jun 2013, 10:33 am
Hi, I'm Brendan. [read post]
2 May 2014, 8:25 am
No, because his privacy was violated, and the poor guy is 80 years old. [read post]
17 Mar 2024, 1:11 pm
Or "Maybe we should go for the only-one-incredibly-rich-white-guy-a-year strategy"? [read post]
13 Dec 2020, 3:43 am
Proud Boys set fire to the Black Lives Matter banner outside of Harry’s here in DC #DC #MarchForTrump #ProudBoys #Antifa #BLM — Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) December 13, 2020 Is there anything about this group that says anything other than violent, racist, overweight pathetic losers looking for an excuse to pretend they’re tough guys? [read post]
17 May 2013, 2:08 pm
One of them, Saeed Dunkaev was quoted as saying "He's a regular guy, nothing wrong," However, another friend, and former roommate, Muslin Chapkhanov, admitted that Todashev knew the older Tsarnaev brother. [read post]
23 Jan 2014, 3:21 pm
The following column by Brendan Kevenides originally appeared as part of his Cycling Legalese column on Urban Velo.People love to listen to music and it comes as no surprise that some people like to do it while riding their bicycle. [read post]
26 Apr 2017, 1:21 pm
John is usually available 24/7.You may also Click Here to e-mail John directly.Jayson Stark, Trent Dilfer and Ed Warner Relieved of Duties at ESPNToday, ESPN announced that it was laying off more than 100 employees, including on air personalities Jayson Stark, Ed Werner and Trent Dilfer.Philly's Own Jayson StarkStark, who once covered the Phillies and wrote for the Philadelphia Inquirer for many years, was one of ESPN's leading commentators on baseball the past 17 years,… [read post]
25 Aug 2020, 3:37 am
Was it because he was the good guy this time? [read post]
22 Sep 2011, 5:38 am
I know some of the guys on the police force and they're good guys. [read post]
6 Dec 2011, 8:15 am
” SuccessFactors has: · 3500 customers · 15 million subscribers · Present in 168 countries · $332 million in revenue for 2011 · $502 million in revenue predicted by 2013 Brendan Barnicle, an analyst at Pacific… [read post]
28 Nov 2010, 2:22 pm
A district court ruled there was no trademark confusion or trademark dilution (Caterpillar might have been displeased by the fact that the bad guys in the film used caterpillar tractors). [read post]
26 Nov 2010, 11:52 am
A district court ruled there was no trademark confusion or trademark dilution (Caterpillar might have been displeased by the fact that the bad guys in the film used caterpillar tractors). [read post]
25 Feb 2009, 1:36 am
And I can't tell you how many people say to me, why don't you write a book about that guy? [read post]
2 May 2014, 12:24 pm
No, because his privacy was violated, and the poor guy is 80 years old. [read post]
5 Mar 2015, 1:22 pm
If you're in DC--and I'm not helping corporate America pay less in environmental fines or firing another guy named either Josh or Brendan--I will go with you. [read post]
26 Jan 2007, 8:29 pm
In the morning the guy gets up and vomits loudly into the sink. [read post]
18 Jun 2017, 6:47 pm
” The Guardian has a short review of Britain’s Europe: A Thousand Years of Conflict and Cooperation by Brendan Simms, who argues that Brexit is “neither inevitable nor an accident”. [read post]
24 Mar 2013, 6:05 am
The Pickle Guys. [read post]
17 Jan 2012, 2:39 pm
“This ministry has a number of experienced counsel dedicated to providing advice to police and to prosecuting difficult, lengthy and complex criminal cases involving white collar crime,” he said.Cristie Ford, a law professor at University of British Columbia, said the approach of Canadian prosecutors is not the same as the “get the bad guys” approach of their U.S. counterparts. [read post]