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28 Sep 2010, 12:00 pm
The Lawyers of the Forbes 400 – Awesome – we were going to do this, but Brian Baxter saved us all the hard work. [read post]
18 Nov 2009, 8:18 pm
In a news article on November 16, 2009 AmLaw Daily journalist Brian Baxter reported that " Coffey explains that Rothstein sold structured settlements in sexual harassment and qui tam/whistleblower suits to investors, some of them hedge funds". [read post]
16 May 2008, 2:22 pm
Pazicky, An Un-Standard Condition: Restricting Internet Use as a Condition of Supervised Release Emily Barker, Brian Baxter, Alison Frankel & Nate Raymond, Progress Report: How the Justice Department's Highest-Profile Corporate Fraud Cases Turned Out (reprinted from The American Lawyer) PRIMARY MATERIALS U.S. [read post]
21 Jan 2011, 9:50 am
.* Brian Baxter of American Lawyer also writes about the collusion charges and has some interesting insights on the law firms and lawyers involved.* What's going to happen in today's Barry Bonds hearing on the admissibility of various pieces of evidence? [read post]
7 Nov 2011, 3:03 pm
[Truth on the Market] * If you’re having a hard time keeping track of all the lawsuits in which law firms and their partners are parties rather than counsel, check out this handy guide from Brian Baxter. [read post]
24 Jul 2012, 9:06 pm
Send over one “business basher,” please: Sidney Wolfe says $3 billion Glaxo settlement too lenient [CL&P, earlier] Ted Frank pre-vets the possibilities for Romney VP [PoL] Romney’s law and legal policy team [Brian Baxter, AmLaw Daily] Tweet Tags: eminent domain, international human rights, lawyers, legal blogs, Mitt Romney, mortgages, pharmaceuticals, Switzerland, taxes, Ted Frank, Washington state July 25 roundup is a post from Overlawyered -… [read post]
16 Mar 2011, 9:20 am
Brian Molony, one of the founders of the new Haight Ashbury Merchants Association, says he hopes the law will help clean up the Haight, where businesses can have a really hard time.Familial DNA Used in Rape and Robbery Case: Stephen Baxter of the Santa Cruz Sentinel reports on the second arrest in the nation to use DNA from a family member to connect a suspect to a crime. [read post]
13 Apr 2011, 10:07 pm
“Raging Bitch”: Frederick (Md.) brewery says its beer label is a First Amendment issue [Frederick News-Post] UK soccer: Sunderland fan sues club after being hit by stray Djibril Cissé shot [Guardian] DirectBuy: “When 36 AGs Object to Your Class Action Settlement, That’s Not a Good Sign” [Karlsgodt] “Court reduces fees after CCAF objection to HP settlement” [Ted Frank] Russell Jackson on ink-cartridge settlements; Time for Congress to repeal the… [read post]
3 Feb 2010, 7:24 am
Massachusetts hardball: state lawmaker says private law schools might be breaking antitrust laws in working to oppose state school proposed in his district [ABA Journal via Above the Law; public law school plan OK'd] Making the rounds: why medieval trial by ordeal may not have been so crazy after all [Peter Leeson, Boston Globe and full paper (PDF) via Volokh] "Rothstein E-Mails Reveal Role of Former Plaintiffs' Lawyer" [Brian Baxter, AmLaw Litigation Daily]… [read post]
19 Nov 2009, 10:55 am
In a news article on November 16, 2009 AmLaw Daily journalist Brian Baxter reported that " Coffey explains that Rothstein sold structured settlements in sexual harassment and qui tam/whistleblower suits to investors, some of them hedge funds". [read post]
1 Dec 2014, 9:42 am
Brian Cronin (PATSKILLS) has written to inform us of the publication on YouTube of a tutorial entitled “EQE 1st Approach – Serving the Client”. [read post]
10 Feb 2012, 5:25 am
Baxter, Ali Panjwani and K. [read post]
11 May 2011, 9:00 am
.* Brian Baxter of American Lawyer has a great sports law column called The Score. [read post]
28 Apr 2016, 6:44 am
Jonas Monast, Brian Murray, & Jonathan Wiener, “On Markets, Morals, and Climate Change” Commenter: Matt Adler [read post]
25 Oct 2009, 9:39 pm
Indeed, it's clear the Federal Reserve's lawyers knew how weak Bank of America's case was: Brenner's e-mail states that all questions other than one came from a "prickly" Thomas Baxter Jr., general counsel of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. [read post]
22 Sep 2010, 10:43 pm
.'" According to an AmLaw article by Brian Baxter, the content of this app came from a print publication that Latham first prepared in 2008 for lawyers and clients. [read post]
18 Dec 2010, 10:11 am
Tim Epstein blogged about this emerging scandal last month.Here's an excerpt from Brian Baxter's article:* * *The ChiSox probably hope the splashy signings overshadow some less-positive recent news about the franchise: the decision by federal prosecutors in the Windy City to charge former senior director of player personnel Dave Wilder and two scouts with fraud.Wilder and scouts Jorge Oquendo Rivera and Victor Mateo are alleged to have taken kickbacks from young… [read post]
28 Aug 2012, 8:00 am
Sources: The Am Law Daily, “Skadden Associate, Herself a Rape Victim, Dives Into Akin Fray,” Brian Baxter, August 22, 2012. [read post]
24 Aug 2010, 9:32 am
Several of you pointed it out in comments, and Brian Baxter reported on it over at Am Law Daily. [read post]
2 Apr 2010, 9:46 am
” - Submitted by Brian Hickman of Gordon & Polscer, LLC. [read post]