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2 Mar 2013, 2:50 pm by Keith L. Miller
He had also represented state Representative Brian Wallace, a Democrat from South Boston. [read post]
11 Jun 2008, 4:51 pm
Jon Stewart Ines Rosales Greg Hepkin Andrea Day Anderson Cooper Charles Gibson Bob Schieffer Mark Steines Katy Tur Katie Snow Diane Sawyer Rick Sanchez Patricia Del Rio Maria Bartiromo Emily Francis John Muller Cynthia Bowers Brian Williams Steve Salvatore Stephen Colbert Hazel Sanchez Dave Carlin Deborah Norville Terry Moran Sue Simmons Charlie Rose Juju Chang Bill O’Reilly Joel McHale Kathie Lee Gifford Arnold Diaz … [read post]
4 Oct 2010, 6:14 pm
New Details Emerge in Shooting Death of Waltham Man During Drug Robbery, as reported by Brian R. [read post]
13 Apr 2011, 10:07 pm by Walter Olson
“Raging Bitch”: Frederick (Md.) brewery says its beer label is a First Amendment issue [Frederick News-Post] UK soccer: Sunderland fan sues club after being hit by stray Djibril Cissé shot [Guardian] DirectBuy: “When 36 AGs Object to Your Class Action Settlement, That’s Not a Good Sign” [Karlsgodt] “Court reduces fees after CCAF objection to HP settlement” [Ted Frank] Russell Jackson on ink-cartridge settlements; Time for Congress to repeal the… [read post]
2 Oct 2008, 11:53 pm
Sometimes - the blogging lawyers & attorneys at Sheppard Mullin on their Bankruptcy and Restructuring Blog High Court Should Reverse Sixth Circuit's Employee Retaliation Decision - The blogging constitutionalists at the American Constitution Society in their ACSBlog New California Law Further Restricts Employee Release Agreements - Los Angeles lawyer Brian Van Vleck of Van Vleck Turner & Zaller in the firm's California Workforce Resource Blog … [read post]
28 Mar 2010, 9:17 am by Rick Hills
The idea is familiar from the "fiscal federalism" literature that developed in the wake of Wallace Oates' revival of Tiebout's hypothesis about locational economies. [read post]
14 May 2012, 7:45 am by Mike Scarcella
But, but if I would have known what this man – Brian McNamee – would have said in this report, I would have been down there in a heartbeat to take care of it,” Clemens told Wallace. who has since died. [read post]
25 May 2009, 4:24 am
The facts supporting the requests for the search warrants are detailed in the affidavit of Brian C. [read post]
25 Sep 2013, 10:03 pm by Environmental Health News
This special report by Stéphane Horel and Brian Bienkowski was originally published Sept. 23 by Environmental Health News. [read post]
16 Oct 2009, 3:53 am
  The members of the committee include: Michael Chong (Con), ChairAnthony Rota (Lib), Vice-ChairRobert Bouchard (BQ), Vice-ChairGordon Brown (Con)Siobhan Coady (Lib)Marc Garneau (Lib)Mike Lake (Con)Brian Masse (NDP)Dave Van Kesteren (Con)Robert Vincent (BQ)Mike Wallace (Con)Chris Warkentin (Con) [read post]
25 Jan 2010, 9:28 am by Kimberly A. Kralowec
Evans • Waters Kraus & PaulCo-Moderator: Todd Schneider • Schneider Wallace, et al. [read post]
14 Nov 2017, 4:00 am by eileen peck
Photo Credit: Brian Wallace, via The post Fraud Charge Hits Parking Lot Operator appeared first on Robert M. [read post]
16 Oct 2009, 3:53 am
  The members of the committee include: Michael Chong (Con), ChairAnthony Rota (Lib), Vice-ChairRobert Bouchard (BQ), Vice-ChairGordon Brown (Con)Siobhan Coady (Lib)Marc Garneau (Lib)Mike Lake (Con)Brian Masse (NDP)Dave Van Kesteren (Con)Robert Vincent (BQ)Mike Wallace (Con)Chris Warkentin (Con) [read post]
18 Jul 2011, 5:12 pm by Colin O'Keefe
- Chicago lawyer Jonathan Rosenfeld of Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers on his blog, Child Injury Laws The Parade of PHI Security Breaches: WellPoint Finally Settles with the Attorney General of Indiana - New Jersey attorney Alain Leibman on Fox Rothschild's White Collar Defense & Compliance The Use of Social Media in Hiring Decisions: Tempting Fruit from a Poisonous Tree - Christopher Gibson, Summer Associate at McNees Wallace and Nurick on the firm's… [read post]
2 Jul 2008, 2:04 am
Copyright Office announces electronic registration - Washington, D.C. attorney Brian Wm. [read post]
19 Apr 2018, 12:00 am by James Taravella
(“Higher One”) and its current or former officers, Mark Volcheck, Christopher Wolf, Jeffrey Wallace, Miles Lasater, Dean Hatton, and Patrick McFadden’s (collectively “Defendants”) motion to dismiss the Second Amended Class Action Complaint of Brian Perez and Robert E. [read post]
29 Sep 2011, 2:25 am by SHG
Brian Wice is an appellate attorney. [read post]
5 Mar 2012, 3:00 am by Philip Thomas
I can recall only one loss other than the thrice tried Brian Cole trial, which belongs in its own category. [read post]