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5 Aug 2009, 4:46 am
If this sounds like the sort of legal service you want, please call DGVE law at (781) 740-0848. [read post]
19 Jul 2012, 8:33 am by DGVE law
DGVE law, LLC - helping people add to, protect, & move their families® adoption | estate planning | residential real estate [read post]
6 Jan 2011, 10:38 am by DGVE law
DGVE law, LLC - helping people add to, protect, & move their families® adoption | estate planning | residential real estate [read post]
19 Jul 2012, 8:33 am by DGVE law
DGVE law, LLC - helping people add to, protect, & move their families® adoption | estate planning | residential real estate [read post]
29 Jun 2010, 7:00 am by DGVE law
DGVE law, LLC - helping people add to, protect, & move their families (R)" adoption | estate planning | residential real estate [read post]
29 Jul 2009, 8:06 am
By neglecting to create and maintain an up-to-date estate plan, you voluntarily relinquish your freedoms to: 1. name the people you want to be able to respond immediately in an emergency to legally step in to care for your minor children if you are unable to do so either temporarily or permanently, and avoid the possibility of having your children taken into child protective services and temporarily placed in foster care until such time as the authorities can locate and approve of a suitable… [read post]
14 Sep 2011, 10:00 am by DGVE law
DGVE law, LLC - helping people add to, protect, & move their families® adoption | estate planning | residential real estate [read post]
14 Jun 2010, 10:43 am by DGVE law
DGVE law, LLC - helping people add to, protect, & move their families (R)" adoption | estate planning | residential real estate [read post]
29 Sep 2010, 6:30 am by DGVE law
  DGVE law, LLC - helping people add to, protect, & move their families (R)" adoption | estate planning | residential real estate [read post]
3 Aug 2011, 11:48 am by DGVE law
  Now if you'll excuse me please, I'm going back to my calendar to see about that kiddie-free getaway with my husband....DGVE law, LLC - helping people add to, protect, & move their families® adoption | estate planning | residential real estate [read post]
26 Aug 2010, 12:59 pm by DGVE law
. :)DGVE law, LLC - helping people add to, protect, & move their families (R)" adoption | estate planning | residential real estate [read post]
9 Aug 2011, 10:19 am by DGVE law
DGVE law, LLC - helping people add to, protect, & move their families® adoption | estate planning | residential real estate [read post]
9 Dec 2009, 9:00 am by DGVE law
That is why I am offering my clients the opportunity to join one of my new DGVE law Membership Programs. [read post]
21 Dec 2010, 5:07 pm by DGVE law
DGVE law, LLC - helping people add to, protect, & move their families® adoption | estate planning | residential real estate [read post]
1 Mar 2011, 7:00 am by DGVE law
DGVE law, LLC - helping people add to, protect, & move their families® adoption | estate planning | residential real estate [read post]
23 Apr 2010, 12:39 pm by DGVE law
  Yes, I am an attorney-mama dancing the crazy tango that is running and working in a solo law practice while caring for my baby at home and my preschooler and pre-kindergartener around their school hours. [read post]