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23 Sep 2009, 5:30 am
This page is a nice counterpoint to Dan Michaluk's SLAW post last month on using humour (the correct spelling!) [read post]
13 Jul 2010, 6:07 pm
(Check out Dan Michaluk’s great summary as well.) [read post]
26 Mar 2012, 9:31 pm
Just consider the number of steps that Dan Michaluk outlines for conducting proper online searches, few employers are going to take the necessary steps to ensure fairness when conducting online searches as part of the hiring process.Employers requiring social media passwords is clearly an egregious breach of privacy, human rights, and a person's dignity. [read post]
4 Dec 2010, 11:51 pm
Dan Michaluk’s All About Information is timely and authoritative and Donna Seale does a great job discussing human rights issues in the Canadian workplace. 3) Legal Culture and Non-Legal Audience Awards –Garry Wise’s Wise Law Blog is one of the first and best Canadian legal blogs. [read post]
5 Apr 2011, 11:44 am
If you want to read a more accurate report on the Cole decision, Dan Michaluk has a good blog post on the subject over at Slaw. [read post]
26 Dec 2011, 6:00 pm
David Doorey, Connie Crosby, Dan Pinnington, Dan Michaluk, and all the good folks at Slaw. [read post]
14 Oct 2009, 1:57 am
Related readings Privacy and the Cloud, Susan Brenner Privacy and the Cloud – Part 2, Susan Brenner The debate about warantless access to ISP customer information, David Fraser Court finds warantless search for ISP subscriber information reasonable, admits evidence, Dan Michaluk Privacy in the Clouds, Risks to Privacy and Confidentiality from Cloud Computing, World Privacy Forum [read post]
28 Jul 2010, 2:33 am
Dan Michaluk: So why don’t you tell us a little bit about your background Chris. [read post]
20 Dec 2010, 12:50 pm
If that doesn't inspire up-and-coming bloggers, nothing will......Honourable MentionsHere are a few more of the excellent law blogs I read all the time - I hope the CLawBie powers-that-be will give them very serious consideration, as well:| Precedent | Michel-Adrien Sheppard's Library Boy | David Bilinsky's Thoughtful Legal Management | Omar Ha-Redeye | Michael Carabash's Dynamic Lawyers Blog | Lynne Butler's Estate Law Canada | David Doorey's Workplace Law Blog |… [read post]
19 Jan 2011, 6:13 am
Collectors Turn To Social Media - (Erica Sandberg) Why Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses Should Be Protected as Personally Identifiable Information - (Joshua McIntyre) Web Page Preservation – A Design Project - (Dan Michaluk) Vendor Views Industry Landscape ADERANT Delivers Strong 2010 Performance - (Legal IT Professionals) Autonomy Japanese Operation Signs Record… [read post]
25 Apr 2008, 12:33 pm
Dan Michaluk who blogs about Canadian privacy and access to information issues also reviews the decision and observes that "whether a drug and alcohol policy discriminates against casual users is a question of fact. [read post]
16 Mar 2011, 6:26 am
Court Endorses Video Playback in Jury Trials - (David Gialanella) Twitter Defamation Lawsuit: NBA Referee Edition - (Bruce Carton) When Producing 2 Million Documents Just Isn’t Enough - (Danielle Alvarez) Reports and Resources Canadian E-Discovery Case Law Digests (Common Law) - (Peg Duncan) IMAPS 2011 – The Sedona Canada Panel on Privacy and eDiscovery -… [read post]
23 Dec 2010, 1:13 am
January 1, 2010 doesn't seem that long ago, does it? [read post]
11 Nov 2009, 1:26 am
Dan Michaluk. [read post]
16 May 2012, 7:37 am
Industry and Government - (Catherine Dunn) Emails that Can Get You in Trouble - (Jeff Orloff) Employer Access To Personal eMail Case Demonstrates Need For Internal Controls On IT Searches - (Dan Michaluk) Facebook and Twitter Postings Cost CFO His Job - (Rachel Silverman) FBI Warns Travelers of Cyber Booby Traps Found In Hotel Internet Connections - (Fernando… [read post]