Search for: "Elizabeth Reese"
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8 Mar 2017, 11:28 am
In honor of International Women's Day, a list of some films that feature female lawyers and judges.A la folie, pas du tout (2002). [read post]
8 Mar 2017, 11:28 am
In honor of International Women's Day, a list of some films that feature female lawyers and judges.A la folie, pas du tout (2002). [read post]
7 May 2021, 4:00 am
California – Campaign Season Lasts Year-Round in Santa Clara County San Jose Spotlight – Madelyn Reese | Published: 5/4/2021 In Santa Clara County, politicians can fundraise for their campaigns all year and keep the excess money to pay off incurred debt. [read post]
19 Apr 2008, 8:50 am
Christine Parker, Professor, University of Melbourne Law School, Australia, Peering Over the Ethical Precipice: Incorporation, Listing, and the Ethical Responsibilities of Law Firms Elizabeth Chambliss, Professor, New York Law School, Law Firm General Counsel: The Paradox of Institutional Success? [read post]