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25 Mar 2014, 6:56 am
If you're attending the ABA TECHSHOW, don't forget to check out some of the ace female presenters, including Ruth Carter, Jennifer Ellis, Sharon Nelson, Carole Levitt, Catherin Sanders Reach, Samantha Meinke, Debbie Foster, Peggy Gruenke, JoAnn Hathaway, Adriana Linares, Diane Ebersole, and of course, TECHSHOW 2014 Chair, Natalie Kelly. [read post]
16 Sep 2016, 5:51 am
WashPo NYT Politics: The Clinton Foundation’s largest arm will spin off into an independent organization if Hillary Clinton is elected NY Times Council of Nonprofits: #Collaborations can be messy 5 tips for busy #nonprofit leaders La Piana Consulting: More Nonprofit (And Life) Lessons from STAR TREK Gene: Ninth Circuit Upholds Upholds CA Ban on Sexual Orientation Conversion Therapy Against Religion Clauses Challenge Constitutional Law Prof Blog Ellis… [read post]
18 Jan 2013, 12:48 am
See the infographic. Ellis Carter: CharityLawyer's most popular posts in 2012: Harvard Business Review: Social Impact Investing Will Be the New Venture Capital Stanford Social Innovation Review: What’s the best way to make a difference? [read post]
22 Jun 2012, 5:32 am
Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises: Foundation Center-New York: Legal Issues and Your New Nonprofit Emily: IRS Examinations—The Seven Stages of Grief by Rob Wexler Emily: What to Look for in a Directors and Officers' Insurance Policy by Ellis Carter via Law For Change C. [read post]
31 Jan 2014, 5:33 am
Obama 's 2014 State of the Union - Nonprofit Quarterly Emily Chan: Update: Expedited Handling for IRS Determination Letters Still Available via Nonprofit Law Matters AFJ Bolder Advocacy: The Basics of Effective Nonprofit Advocacy Law For Change: New California Employment Laws for 2014 Perlman & Perlman: Share, Use, Remix: An Overview of Creative Commons | NTEN BDO: This week on our blog, Sandra Feinsmith discusses challenges and opportunities facing… [read post]
9 Nov 2012, 5:00 am
Ellis Carter: Choosing a Fiscal Sponsor Gene: Mozilla Foundation to Pay $1.5 Million to Settle Up with the IRS Ostatic Blog Judy Alnes: My debut in Nonprofit Quarterly on nonprofit mergers and our recently released nonprofit merger research Gene: Entrepreneurs' Foundation (affil w/ Silicon Valley Community Fdn) sues ex-ED for misusing funds, breach of fid duties - Silicon Valley Biz Journal AFJ Bolder Advocacy: Don't know a Super PAC from a… [read post]
17 Jan 2014, 5:30 am BoardSource: We're pleased to announce the launch of our expanded online Board Recruitment Center: Council of Nonprofits: nonprofit board basics - we just updated our resources Nonprofit Leadership: 5 Tips to Improve Your Nonprofit Board's Performance in 2014 Emily Chan: IRS releases new reinstatement procedures for orgs w/ auto-revoked exempt statuses via Nonprofit Law Matters … [read post]
8 Feb 2019, 1:14 pm
Leon Carter President’s Council ($35,500)—Jerry and Sherri Alexander; Connatser Family Law; Crain Lewis Brogdon; and Hartline Dacus Barger Dreyer Chairman’s Council ($25,500)—Anonymous; Lisa Blue and Jeff Tillotson Gold Patron ($20,000)—Margaret and Jaime Spellings Diamond Sponsors ($15,500)—AT&T; Dallas Association of Young Lawyers; and Mike A. [read post]
13 Apr 2012, 5:01 am
Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises: Gene: New MN law limits givebacks by charities that receive donations from frauds like Tom Petters' - GuideStarUSA: SO excited to announce Financial SCAN, 1st-ever platform that assesses nonprofit financial health: Gene: Tweeting For a Better World: Essentials of Social Media… [read post]
18 Oct 2013, 5:28 am
p=8672 Gene: Expanding the Boundaries of Philanthropy through Giving Circles - Effective Philanthropy Bridgespan Group: For those listening to Adaptive Philanthropy webinar, Susan's blog series on the topic is here: Alice Korngold: A cautionary tale: The demise of the NYC Opera, & the board's role: NY Times Ellis Carter: Blast from the Past - our most popular blog post ever - Top 10 Nonprofit Governance Mistakes Nonprofit Law News: The 15… [read post]
27 Mar 2013, 7:29 am
Here's a good resource on the subject by Ellis Carter on the Charity Lawyer Blog: Corporate Sponsorship or Taxable Advertising? [read post]
24 Jul 2015, 5:00 am
Ellis Carter: MOUs versus Contracts #nonprofit Venable Nonprofit Law: #Nonprofit websites: No #copyright infringement for content posted by 3rd parties if not following DMCA formalities National Council of Nonprofits: What makes a great meeting? [read post]
5 Jun 2015, 7:15 am
Have a listen to Elton John‘s Candle in the Wind while perusing our curated nonprofit tweets of the week: Leslie Keil: Great conversation starter by David Callahan of @InsidePhilanthr -recommends 4 #philanthropy reforms @nytimes op-ed Public Citizen: Op-Ed in @thehill by @Lisa_PubCitizen discusses the encouraging signs on new rules for nonprofit political activity Cecily Jackson-Zapata: NYT Now: Poll Shows Americans Favor Overhaul of Campaign Financing #election2016… [read post]
9 Aug 2013, 12:45 am
Opinion Center for Effective Philanthropy: Peter Buffett Is Right to Call for Philanthropic Change - Phil Buchanan writing for Chronicle of Philanthropy Independent Sector: Get info on lobbying guidelines for nonprofits AND foundations (yes they are different) here Emily Chan: Nonprofits Found to Have Marked Impact on Who Votes via Nonprofit Quarterly | See Nonprofit VOTE report Ellis Carter: Nonprofit Law Jargon Buster - Voting Members vs. [read post]
19 Aug 2016, 5:00 am HT @PublicCounsel La Piana Consulting: Building a better board is about investing in relationship Ellis Carter: Cause Related Marketing and Commercial Co-Venture Best Practices: Neva Gupta: #Socent leaders should take time to read these 11 articles by their peers in #philanthropy CompassPoint: 8 Tips to Help You Hold Space for Others: Fortune: How Fortune’s… [read post]
7 Feb 2013, 8:57 pm
Listen to Woods and David Sanborn duet on Senor Blues while perusing the following tweets: GTak: 2012 Form 990 Instructions released 02/01/13 Ellis Carter: Make it Your Business to Know if Your Nonprofit Corporation is “Doing Business” in other States: [Ed. [read post]
30 Dec 2011, 12:25 am
Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises: Foundation Center: The most popular posts of 2011 on PhilanTopic Fdn Center Atlanta: 11 Top Blog Posts for 2011: With just 3 days until the new year, I wanted to take a moment (or rather, a blog po... Nonprofit Assistance Fund: Year End IRS Charity News and Updates by Not-For-Profit Accounting… [read post]
2 Dec 2014, 5:30 am
by Ellis Carter on the Charity Lawyer Blog. [read post]
1 May 2015, 8:44 am
WRONG. Ellis Carter: Nonprofits and Affiliated Entities: Journal of Accountancy: New FASB proposal would create big changes for not-for-profit reporting — Details at Philanthropy: Opinion: When charities act as a shill for corporate interests, the public good suffers @uiuNews ACLU of Northern California: ACLU statement on the death of #FreddieGray in police custody.… [read post]
26 May 2017, 9:14 am Gene: Top Issues for Not-for-Profits This Year AICPA #1-cybersecurity #NPSymposium17 Ellis McGehee Carter: Top 10 Nonprofit Governance Mistakes #nonprofits Council of Nonprofits: Advocacy = essential board responsibility @GTak @AnneWallestad urge culture where #nonprofits embrace #advocacy Gene: Philanthropy allows exercise of concentrated, entrenched power over others by inlfluencing policy & law… [read post]