Search for: "Eyal Benvenisti" Results 41 - 45 of 45
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23 Jul 2019, 9:52 am
The simplistic binaries that frame conversations of Palestinian armed struggle evoke the condescension expressed by colonial overloads toward the resistance of indigenous peoples. [read post]
14 Aug 2023, 6:05 am by Or Bassok
Militaries around the world are increasingly requiring their lawyers to clear operations as an inherent part of their operation planning process. [read post]
29 Jul 2022, 6:15 am by Tess Graham
Since early 2022, Just Security has published more than 100 articles analyzing the diplomatic, political, legal, economic, humanitarian, and other issues and consequences of Russia’s war on Ukraine. [read post]
8 Jul 2023, 10:45 pm by Tess Graham
Since late 2021, Just Security has published over 300 articles analyzing the diplomatic, political, legal, economic, humanitarian, and other issues and consequences of Russia’s war on Ukraine, including many in Ukrainian translation The catalog below organizes our collection of articles primarily about the war into general categories to facilitate access to relevant topics for policymakers, researchers, journalists, scholars, and the public at large. [read post]