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1 Oct 2020, 8:30 am
Wade”October 29, 2020: Sara McDougall (John Jay College of Criminal Justice)“Judging Sex Crimes: Pregnancy and Punishment in Medieval France”January 21, 2021: Franita Tolson (University of Southern California Gould School of Law). [read post]
23 Jan 2014, 2:19 pm
As we discussed yesterday, bipartisan legislation has been introduced in Congress that would amend the Voting Rights Act and recalibrate the coverage formula for preclearance, as a response the the Court's holding in Shelby v. [read post]
8 Jul 2019, 3:30 am
Franita Tolson In Passive Avoidance, Professor Anita Krishnakumar argues that the Roberts Court has retreated in recent years from the aggressive use of the constitutional avoidance canon that dominated much of its early jurisprudence. [read post]
11 Nov 2020, 8:00 am
Enforcing Voting Rights from the Founding to the Jim Crow Era, with Franita Tolson. [read post]
6 Dec 2019, 10:30 am
Franita Tolson, What is "Appropriate" Legislation? [read post]
9 Mar 2020, 6:30 am
Franita Tolson, The Default of American Politics: The Perpetual and Never-ending Prospect of an Election Meltdown7. [read post]
13 Jun 2011, 10:38 am
Over at The Faculty Lounge, fellow election law expert and Florida State law professor Franita Tolson commented that new law professors often get advised not to worry about writing during their first year. [read post]
16 Mar 2018, 4:09 pm
Jamal Greene is commenting.Previously this morning, we heard a wonderful set of papers on the political process, including Tabatha Abu El-Haj's "Networking the Party," on thinking about political parties as associations, Aaron Tang rethinking how notions of political power are factored into judicial review, and Franita Tolson on how the elections clause relates to Shelby County. [read post]
7 Mar 2020, 6:30 am
Franita Tolson most forcefully makes the claim that American election systems have never been “healthy and robust. [read post]
27 Oct 2020, 9:55 am
The panel will feature professors Rebecca Green of William & Mary, Richard Hasen of UC Irvine, Lisa Manheim of the University of Washington, Derek Muller of the University of Iowa, Nathaniel Persily of Stanford, Richard Pildes of NYU, Charles Stewart III of MIT and Franita Tolson of the University of Southern California. [read post]
16 Oct 2023, 11:27 am
USC Law School's interim Dean Franita Tolson will be conversing with Prof. [read post]
24 Feb 2009, 5:31 am
So far, we've hired Tara Grove (HLS, Climenko); Franita Tolson (UChicago, VAP at NW); and Shawn Bayern (Boalt, Duke VAP). [read post]
31 May 2012, 1:03 pm
Franita Tolson, Reinventing Sovereignty? [read post]
5 Mar 2020, 6:30 am
I think we need to think through when we should sound the alarm and when cries of doom and gloom are self-reinforcing.On CausationMy second point is related to the insights offered by Franita Tolson and Tabatha Abu El-Haj in this symposium, hereand here, respectively. [read post]
25 Jul 2022, 12:23 pm
Stern, William & Mary Law School Franita Tolson, University of Southern California, Gould School of Law Andrew W. [read post]
1 Aug 2013, 12:06 pm
Panelists include some former Prawfs guests, including Mike Dimino (Widener), Chad Flanders (SLU), Derek Muller (Pepperdine), and Franita Tolson (FSU). [read post]
29 Aug 2022, 7:45 am
The NCC commissioned reports by three teams making recommendations on the topic outlined in the title: a Team Conservative Report (written by team leader Sarah Isgur, David French, and Jonah Goldberg, all affiliated with The Dispatch), a Team Libertarian Report (also available on SSRN) (authored by Clark Neily and Walter Olson of the Cato Institute, and myself), and a Team Progressive Report (coauthored by prominent election law scholars Edward Foley and Franita Tolson). [read post]
23 May 2012, 7:45 am
Corporations and unions are free to spend as much as they wish on television and radio advertisements that support or attack candidates for… Litigating Under the Voting Rights Act After the Texas Redistricting Cases (Franita Tolson) Two recent cases—Perry v. [read post]
29 Aug 2022, 8:05 am
Team Progressive included Edward Foley of The Ohio State University and Franita Tolson of the USC Gould School of Law. [read post]
18 Feb 2022, 9:03 pm
In a recent article published in California Law Review of UC Berkeley School of Law, Franita Tolson of USC Gould School of Law argues that critiques of courts as acting against the interests of democratic majorities fail to account for the failures of democratically elected bodies. [read post]