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8 Nov 2007, 2:50 pm
by Greg Beck The Eastern District of New York's recent decision in S&L Vitamins v. [read post]
28 Jun 2007, 12:27 pm
by Greg Beck Web startup jumped into the business of rating lawyers this month and almost immediately found itself the defendant in a lawsuit that seeks to certify a class of all lawyers rated by the system. [read post]
21 Dec 2007, 5:15 am
by Greg BeckThe New York Times covers Apple's settlement with a Harvard undergraduate that shut down a popular website devoted to rumors about the company. [read post]
28 Dec 2007, 6:57 am
by Greg BeckColorado infomercial company Video Professor this week dismissed its lawsuit against 100 anonymous defendants who had posted critical comments about its products and billing practices online. [read post]
24 Jul 2008, 7:08 pm
by Greg BeckDavid Giacalone has an eye-opening post on debt solutions services, which, for a fee, offer to negotiate with creditors to reduce a consumer's debt. [read post]
17 Jul 2007, 12:58 pm
by Greg Beck I predicted here that companies would soon rely on the Supreme Court's decision in Leegin Creative Leather Products v. [read post]
17 Oct 2007, 6:19 am
by Greg Beck Inventor-link is a company that promises to help inventors get their inventions to the marketplace. [read post]
5 Jan 2008, 5:43 am
by Greg BeckA while back I wrote about a case in which an eBay seller sued a company called Innovate! [read post]
14 Jul 2008, 8:32 pm
by Greg BeckIn a comprehensive 66-page opinion, a federal district judge today rejected Tiffany's claims that eBay infringed its trademarks by allowing the sale of counterfeit Tiffany's goods on its site.The court first held that eBay did not infringe Tiffany's trademark by advertising the availability of Tiffany's products. [read post]
4 Apr 2008, 9:44 am
by Greg Beck and Paul Alan Levy The en banc Ninth Circuit yesterday decided an issue of great importance to consumers on the Internet. [read post]
23 Apr 2007, 9:26 am
By Greg Beck Google won at least partial praise from privacy advocates last month with its announcement that it plans to purge identifying information from its database of web searches after 18 to 24 months. [read post]
24 Aug 2012, 11:21 am
By Greg Beck As Brian Wolfman noted, the DC Circuit this morning held that the FDA's required tobacco warnings violate the First Amendment. [read post]
18 Jun 2008, 7:53 pm
Ed. note: This is a guest post by Greg Beck, an attorney at Public Citizen in Washington, DC. [read post]
15 Oct 2007, 2:17 pm
by Greg Beck First it was Video Professor, now Quixtar (an affiliate of Amway) is suing anonymous Internet posters who made disparaging remarks about the company online. [read post]
27 Jan 2011, 6:13 am
[Sullum @ Reason] Greg Mankiw's clever idea for reducing the deficit. [read post]
22 May 2018, 7:00 am
Dawson, a partner in Beck Redden, who will serve on the HBA Board of Directors as immediate past president. [read post]
20 Feb 2017, 3:13 pm
, Tom Beck in Deep Impact (again, it's Morgan Freeman), and Greg Stillson in The Dead Zone (okay, probably not a great choice, except for contrast). [read post]
20 Feb 2017, 3:15 pm
, Tom Beck in Deep Impact (again, it's Morgan Freeman), and Greg Stillson in The Dead Zone (okay, probably not a great choice, except for contrast). [read post]
26 Oct 2018, 3:02 am
[James Beck, Drug and Device Law] Chronic pain patients: “Civilian Casualties Continue to Mount in Governments’ War on Opioids” [Jeffrey Singer] Feds’ tightening of opioid scheduling cut refills, but increased number of pills initially prescribed [same] So sinister for psychiatrist to take cash payment and keep night hours in a rented office, or is it? [read post]
5 Feb 2021, 6:04 am
Rubio, Blair Jones, and Greg Arnold. [read post]