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19 Apr 2013, 11:46 am
Its contributors include several law professors / lecturers, including Cass Brewer (Georgia State), Deborah Burand (Michigan), Suzanne McKechnie Klahr (Harvard / Stanford), Haskell Murray (Regent), Alicia Plerhoples (Georgetown), Dana Brakman Reiser (Brooklyn), and Kyle Westaway (Harvard). [read post]
11 Nov 2011, 6:53 am
And, if you can't make it to New York, here's a clip of Marty Lipton on the poison pill (h/t Haskell Murray): [read post]
24 Jul 2012, 7:03 am
Glom readers may also remember Haskell Murray blogged about it this May. [read post]
10 Jun 2007, 11:46 am
Craig Murray, the chief resident on call. [read post]
9 Nov 2015, 4:00 am
Haskell & Jessica Fish, Law As Eschatology, 53 Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 185-209 (2014).John O. [read post]
5 Jun 2015, 7:15 am
When doing good for others means doing well for yourself Haskell Murray: Excellent @NewYorker article on @patagonia’s anti-growth strategy via @kylewestaway #bcorp #socent The post Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – 6/5/15 appeared first on Nonprofit Law Blog. [read post]
29 Nov 2013, 10:01 am
Huffington Post IU Philanthropy: Groundbreaking research by @jmpstrt expands understanding of religious influences on giving #ConnectGive Gene: It’s Not Religion That Makes You Give - TIME - key is social networks formed within religious orgs Gene: Judge Declares Tax Exclusion For Clergy Housing Payments Unconstitutional - Forbes Law For Change: New Blog: Defining Social Enterprise via Haskell Murray Jed Emerson:… [read post]
19 May 2009, 1:57 am
ArmasBart Haskell Armstrong Tanya J. [read post]
19 Jan 2012, 1:53 pm
Haskell Murray has a chart comparing the various state benefit corporation statutes. [read post]
1 Jun 2012, 11:35 am
Haskell Murray's sweet and thoughtful post on mentors reminded me of my early teaching days. [read post]
14 Oct 2016, 11:37 am
According to FOX 23 News, “[p]olice and first responders arrived at Bienvenidos Bar 7 De Copas at Haskell and Lewis to find a man and a woman shot to death. [read post]
5 Sep 2012, 10:00 am
Pipe and Foundry in Burlington, Aluminum Company of America in Garwood, National Beryllia in Haskell, Kellex/Pierpont in Jersey City, Chemical Construction Co. and Standard Oil Development Co. of New Jersey in Linden, Middlesex Municipal Landfill, Middlesex Sampling Plant and United Lead Co. in Middlesex, Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Brunswick Laboratory in New Brunswick, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory in Princeton, Stevens Institute of Technology in… [read post]
1 Mar 2012, 10:49 am
Haskell Murray (Dec 27, 2011) [read post]
9 Mar 2012, 3:54 pm
Haskell Murray is available here. [read post]
26 Jul 2012, 2:55 pm
Louis University Lisa McElroy ProfLisaMcElroy Drexel Tracy McGaugh millennialprof Touro William McGeveran BillMcGev Minnesota Paul McGreal PaulMcGreal Dayton Greg McNeal gregorymcneal Pepperdine Nancy Millar lpprof Phoenix James Milles jgmilles SUNY Buffalo Richard Moberly Richard_Moberly Nebraska Derek Muller derektmuller Pepperdine Haskell Murray HaskellMurray Regent Cynthia Nance Nancecy Arkansas Ira Steven Nathenson nathenson St. [read post]
7 Jul 2012, 10:16 am
Louis University Lisa McElroy ProfLisaMcElroy Drexel Tracy McGaugh millennialprof Touro William McGeveran BillMcGev Minnesota Paul McGreal PaulMcGreal Dayton Greg McNeal gregorymcneal Pepperdine Nancy Millar lpprof Phoenix James Milles jgmilles SUNY Buffalo Derek Muller derektmuller Pepperdine Haskell Murray HaskellMurray Regent Cynthia Nance Nancecy Arkansas Ira Steven Nathenson nathenson St. [read post]
6 Jan 2015, 6:46 pm
Louis University Tom McDonnell McDonnellTomLaw Pace Lisa McElroy ProfLisaMcElroy Drexel William McGeveran BillMcGev Minnesota Paul McGreal PaulMcGreal Dayton Paul McGreal PaulMcGreal Dayton Kellyn McGreen TheEthicsProf Savannah Greg McNeal gregorymcneal Pepperdine Errol Mendes 3mendous Ottawa Nancy Millar lpprof Phoenix James Milles jgmilles SUNY Buffalo Richard Moberly Richard_Moberly Nebraska Seema Mohapatra MohapatraSeema Barry Chris Monaghan Chris_Jmonaghan Univ. of Greenwich (UK) Derek Muller… [read post]