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19 Jul 2010, 8:11 am
The test case in the city of Muenster has German municipal officials worried about busted budgets. [read post]
3 Sep 2024, 4:00 am
appeared first on German Law. [read post]
3 Dec 2019, 9:36 am
After completing his sentence, the plaintiff demanded that the articles be omitted or anonymized, arguing that their availability endangered his re-integration into society. [read post]
15 Feb 2010, 1:47 pm
Today, the Financial Times Deutschland takes up the proposals for German courts to hear cases in English. [read post]
17 Jan 2011, 12:05 pm
You're a proud Western professional, businessperson or leader? [read post]
30 Mar 2020, 8:42 am
The antibodies will indicate that the test participants have had the virus, have healed and are thereby ready to re-enter society and the workforce. [read post]
25 Feb 2012, 4:12 am
EUROPEAN METAPHOR ALERT: Frozen falling faeces flummox Germans. “Residents across Germany are complaining that they’re receiving unwanted gifts falling from the heavens: Giant chunks of frozen faeces and urine that plummet to the ground after leaking out of passing aeroplanes.” [read post]
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “One German organic farm has killed twice as many people as the Fukushima nuclear…
10 Jun 2011, 10:53 am
We can’t know if they’re safe! [read post]
14 Apr 2011, 5:04 am
You’re getting a visit from the Chair of the Human Rights Cmte of the German Parliament, yeah the twelfth in line for Chancellor himself. [read post]
24 May 2012, 12:51 pm
A German regional court ruled in a hearing that Motorola Mobility infringed Microsoft patents by offering the option on its mobile phones to send a longer text in a batch of several messages. [read post]
10 Jun 2021, 2:00 am
We offer German classes to all employees. [read post]
30 Oct 2019, 7:50 am
But he also represented Qualcomm in its German patent infringement actions against Apple. [read post]
18 Mar 2009, 12:57 am
"Re Obama-Fingers, the German fried chicken product.Oh, yes, we are relaxed... until we're not.And, by the way, not only are your chicken fingers racist, calling your Chancellor "stiff" is sexist. [read post]
24 Feb 2014, 6:16 pm
A District Court is the only element of the German State court system which deals with probate. [read post]
28 Jul 2011, 5:17 am
In re Toft, 2011 Bankr. [read post]
14 Jan 2020, 11:03 pm
ZTE ruling, that kind of standard governed German SEP cases. [read post]
27 Jun 2018, 6:34 pm
R30 – make anti-money laundering and mandatory training a responsibility of the Regulator (re front line gaming personnel, VIP hosts). [read post]
1 Mar 2020, 1:17 am
Before I provide my translation of those quotes, a couple of things:I hope no one is disappointed that I didn't contact them--if I didn't ask you, it was most likely because you're involved with cases I follow and mentioned here all the time anyway.The lawyers quoted below all told me explicitly that they provide their impact assessment without any intention to criticize the government's proposal, much less the current practice of German patent infringement… [read post]
13 Jan 2020, 4:21 pm
We eagerly await the outcome of the German hearing and hope that the BND will be another fallen domino in the movement to restore global privacy. [read post]
3 Mar 2014, 8:58 am
The Court agreed with the Berlin Regional Court’s 2012 decision that the Friend Finder function violates both German data protection law and unfair trade law, and re-affirmed the invalidity of several clauses in Facebook’s privacy notice and other online terms and conditions. [read post]