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12 Jun 2016, 4:26 am by familoo
Suesspicious Minds has beaten me to it again, with a post about Cox and Carter – a case where The President has decided that it is right to hold a re-hearing of a fact finding following the directed acquittal of the parents in criminal proceedings in relation to the child’s injuries. [read post]
18 Jun 2007, 8:34 am
Ya win some, ya lose some if you're the ERISA bar. [read post]
23 Dec 2019, 11:12 am by JAntonelli
If you have received a notice from your internet service provider (ISP) such as Comcast, Cox, Verizon, or AT&T, along with a subpoena from HB Productions, Inc., you’re being sued for copyright infringement and should take action immediately. [read post]
13 Apr 2011, 9:00 am by Record on Appeal
”  However, the court reminded both parties of their ability to re-file their attorneys’ fees requests after the judgment on appeal is issued. [read post]
27 Jun 2018, 3:15 pm
That’s why this week we’re seeking permission from the court to add Cox and Hamilton to our lawsuit against Zeh for his role in perpetuating Glynn County’s wealth-based incarceration system and for failing to provide legal assistance to his clients who cannot afford a private attorney. [read post]
5 Apr 2014, 10:07 pm by John Mesirow
So maybe you’re sitting up above the rest of the folks in the courtroom. [read post]
3 Jun 2016, 9:30 am by Paul Caron
Brady Cox (J.D. 2016, Pepperdine), Comment, Redefining “Peril”—Abating the Interest on a Tax Deficiency for Good Faith Reliance on IRS Publications, 43 Pepp. [read post]
1 Mar 2017, 10:32 am by Akira Tomlinson
HJ Res 40 [text] was backed by the National Rifle Association (NRA) [advocacy website]. [read post]
24 Jan 2020, 12:41 pm by JAntonelli
We’re America’s most experienced BT copyright defense firm […] The post Who is Fallen Productions and Why Are They Suing Me? [read post]
3 Feb 2020, 11:50 am by JAntonelli
If you’ve received a subpoena and a letter from your internet service provider (ISP) such as Comcast, Cox, or Verizon alerting you that Strike 3 Holdings is seeking your name, you’re being sued. [read post]
17 May 2007, 9:00 am
DeWine lost his re-election bid last November.Read the article: Editor & Publisher [read post]
22 Mar 2012, 8:04 pm by Michael Froomkin
A few weeks later, Verizon graciously offered to buy out Cox’s AWS spectrum so that Cox could get out of the wireless business. [read post]
20 Feb 2013, 10:42 am by Reproductive Rights
The Hill - Healthwatch Blog: GOP bill would tighten rules on parental consent for abortion, by Ramsey Cox: A group of GOP senators introduced a bill Thursday that would prohibit minors from crossing state lines to avoid parental involvement in... [read post]
15 Dec 2011, 1:58 pm by SOIssues
Original Article 12/15/2011 By Lauren Cox For years David Prescott sat face to face with pedophiles, trying to evaluate if the people before him were making progress in treatment. [read post]
3 Apr 2009, 9:56 am
The IPKat, tipped off by his friend Hugo Cox, learned that The Register has provided English-language coverage of today's breaking news that France has passed the controversial 'three-strikes-and-you're-out' law, designed to stamp out rampant file-sharing and illegal downloading of copyright-protected works [for other perspectives on the three strikes solution see posts here  and here]The new law is nicknamed the loi Hadopi, because it creates a… [read post]
3 Oct 2008, 12:08 am
But is it possible that between the striking explosion in the size of the federal government over the last eight years, and the chaos that deregulation has recently wrought on Wall Street, we're reaching the end of the end of "the era of big government"? [read post]