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We, Megan Center and Alex Radus, recently gave a presentation at the International Franchise Expo in New York City on the “Top Ten Provisions to ‘Never’ Negotiate in a Franchise Agreement” and want to share the highlights of that presentation here. [read post]
12 May 2011, 10:12 am
When the Berne Union Assembly and the Conference of Representatives decided, back then, in 1989, to summon an Experts Committee to work on a possible Protocol for the Berne Agreement1 in order to specify the application of different concepts of this international instrument --such decision gave rise not to a Protocol for the Agreement but to a new international treaty, the WIPO Copyright Treaty-- they never imagined that, after twenty years, the route to negotiate a new… [read post]
29 Jun 2018, 12:53 pm by Dennis Crouch
With reference to my earlier post on international patent rights as a chip in international trade negotiations, consider recent discussion of Trump stepping back from the World Trade Organization (WTO) – the administrator of TRIPS and GATT. [read post]
22 May 2010, 4:29 pm by legalinformatics
Professor John Zeleznikow of Victoria University has published The Need to Incorporate Justice into Negotiation Support Systems, in Business Information Systems Workshops: BIS 2009 International Workshops, Poznan, Poland, April 27-29, 2009, Revised Papers (2009). [read post]
12 Dec 2005, 6:49 pm by indiablawg
In the run up to the WTO meeting in Hong Kong, the International Herald Tribune carries a detailed analysis of India’s changing stance on trade negotiations. [read post]
31 Jul 2012, 8:30 am by ADR Times
Hopes for even a partial agreement over outstanding issues evaporated Sunday, when Sudanese and South Sudanese negotiators failed to reach an agreement over oil fees. [read post]
13 Nov 2019, 1:00 pm by Paul Caron
Leslie Robinson (Dartmouth) presents Negotiated Tax Havens (with Kevin Markle (Iowa)) at Pennsylvania today as part of its Tax Law and Policy Workshop Series hosted by Michael Knoll, Chris Sanchirico, and Reed Shuldiner: The intersection of state aid and international tax has acquired a high profile in Europe. [read post]
27 Aug 2020, 5:52 am by David M. Offen Esq.
Experienced Philadelphia IRS Back Tax Lawyer As a professional firm dealing with back taxes through our legal services, we are familiar with the complicated procedures of the Internal Revenue Service in tax debt negotiation. [read post]
25 Oct 2010, 11:10 am by InternationalLaw Blogger
The Council for American Students in International Negotiations (CASIN) invites student applications to attend the 9th Session of the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court a the United Nations Headquarters New York, NY, from December 6th 2010-... [read post]
10 Mar 2008, 5:30 pm
If you're interested in learning more about the resolution of international disputes or other topics that concern the practice of dispute resolution and negotiation abroad, there is no better resource than the International Dispute Negotiation (IDN) podcast series. [read post]
25 Jun 2010, 3:21 pm by Sergio Stone
But though the language may be daunting, international trade agreements now being negotiated affect [...] [read post]
23 Dec 2005, 9:37 am
[JURIST] Uganda [JURIST news archive] announced Thursday it would commence reparation negotiations with the Democratic Republic of Congo [JURIST news archive] in late 2006, following Monday's International Court of Justice ruling [JURIST report; PDF text] that Uganda violated Congo's sovereignty during a 1998-2003 war [BBC backgrounder] and was responsible for human rights abuses and the [read post]
29 Oct 2020, 9:01 am by Matt Thomas
"  Chapters  incude Negotiating International Business Transactions, Basic Structures for International Sale of Goods Transactions, Electronic Commerce; Overview of Laws Governing Data Privacy and Foreign Investment Transactions.Try out West Academic Digital Library today! [read post]
26 Dec 2010, 12:09 am by legalwritingprofessors
Our blog co-editor Nancy Soonpaa commented on an earlier post on this blog about the International Negotiation Competition. [read post]
12 Oct 2022, 9:05 pm by Trevor Kirby
Trump proposed capping Medicare reimbursements for certain drugs so that they would more closely align with international prices. [read post]
19 May 2010, 8:54 pm by buslawblogger
on SSRN with the following abstract:Many businesses, national or international, would opt to negotiate differences between or among themselves. [read post]
11 Feb 2021, 12:46 pm by CrimProf BlogEditor
Theodore Christakis and Fabien Terpan (Institut Universitaire de France and Sciences Po Grenoble - Université Grenoble Alpes) have posted EU-US Negotiations on Law Enforcement Access to Data: Divergences, Challenges and EU Law Procedures and Options (International Data Privacy Law, OUP... [read post]