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26 Nov 2007, 3:50 pm
McCaffrey, Marian Oshiro, Nicholas M. [read post]
9 Oct 2011, 11:46 am by Alfred Brophy
Edwin Baker (May 28, 1947 – December 8, 2009), the Nicholas F. [read post]
24 Sep 2024, 7:25 am by Angelina Kushnarova
Rhode Island | Nicholas M Nardacci Project Manager – Aerodynamics at Acushnet Company. [read post]
13 Jun 2006, 5:23 am
James Coleman has shown quite a bit of courage throughout this affair. [read post]
21 Mar 2022, 6:05 am by jonathanturley
Steve Scalise, R-La., and other members of Congress were shot by James Hodgkinson, 66, a supporter of Sen. [read post]
7 Apr 2009, 12:18 pm by Bruce Edge
Young's lawyer attended Tuesday's hearing but said nothing after it ended.Subjects of the criminal probe are Brenda Morris, the lead prosecutor in the Stevens case and the No. 2 official in the Public Integrity Section; Public Integrity prosecutors Nicholas Marsh and Edward Sullivan; Alaska federal prosecutors Joseph Bottini and James Goeke; and William Welch, who did not participate in the trial but who supervises the Public Integrity section.Judge Sullivan repeatedly… [read post]
8 Jul 2009, 7:55 am
In addition to Valeanu, Bronnbauer, Stoughton Trailer, Kleinschmidt and Air Product and Chemicals, other defendants in the suit include Motor City Express, Challenger Motor Freight, James Group International, James Group International II, Inc., James Group Midwest, STI Holdings and Kevin M. [read post]
1 Mar 2011, 5:45 am by Dan Filler
For those with archival interests, and with apologies for incomplete data which I'm not going to bother updating at this point, here are prior lists: 2008-09 Law School Dean Search List  2009-10 Law School Dean Search List   Albany (Dean Thomas Guernsey serving until summer 2011) (Roger Abrams, Jim Chen, Mike Madison, Anna Williams Shavers and Larry Solan finalists) Arkansas (Dean Cynthia Nance serving until summer 2011) (search committee here) Boston College… [read post]
3 Mar 2013, 1:14 pm by familoo
Sir Nicholas Wall, in his time as President, was increasingly keen on the publication of judgments, and his replacement Sir James Munby has already let it be known that significant changes are on the drawing board, announcement expected soon. [read post]
4 Apr 2011, 4:00 am by Howard Friedman
Wade: New Questions About Backlash, (Yale Law Journal, Forthcoming).James J. [read post]