Search for: "Jessica Bulman-Pozen"
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23 Jan 2020, 11:41 am
Bruff of University of Colorado Law School, Jessica Bulman-Pozen, Gillian Metzger and Peter L. [read post]
26 Jun 2023, 6:30 am
For the Balkinization symposium on Christian G. [read post]
18 Jul 2013, 10:27 am
So far it’s not an especially happy chapter for those who like the “cooperative” bit, as the states are in fact being distinctly “uncooperative” (see Jessica Bulman-Pozen & Heather Gerken’s important article). [read post]
27 Oct 2024, 11:10 pm
Notable post-2020 works that cross disciplinary boundaries include (but are not limited to) the explanation by Professors Jessica Bulman-Pozen and Miriam Seifter of the underappreciated role of state courts in the electoral process; Professor Reva Siegel’s analysis of the politics of constitutional suffrage throughout history; and Professor Abby Wood’s examination of the implications campaign finance transparency for courts,… [read post]