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11 Jan 2014, 7:34 am
My Widener colleague, John Culhane, often writes for Slate. [read post]
21 Feb 2015, 12:02 pm
" Law professor John Culhane has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate. [read post]
7 Dec 2009, 9:06 am
Its fate in the full Senate (and beyond) may be decided on Thursday, and is unclear. 12/07/09 WordInEdgewise, by law professor John Culhane: Here’s the scene from New Jersey today, where supporters and opponents of the marriage equality bill [version as introduced 06/09/08] gathered in advance of the Senate Judiciary committee meeting. [read post]
4 Dec 2017, 6:36 pm
" Law professor John Culhane has this essay online at Politico Magazine. [read post]
24 Jun 2013, 2:00 pm
John L. [read post]
3 Nov 2009, 12:03 pm
As election returns decide the outcome of Washington's Referendum 71 and Maine's Question 1, I include the following links of interest:11/03/09 WordinEdgewise, by law professor John Culhane:Some thoughts are flying around up here, and I want to get them down and disseminated quickly ... [read post]
3 Feb 2011, 11:03 am
John Culhane over at Slate has a very interesting post asserting that two class actions are being prepared against the National Football League on behalf of players with brain injuries. [read post]
14 Sep 2021, 8:00 am
Debbins, John T. [read post]
9 Nov 2009, 4:47 am
11/09/09 WordinEdgewise, by law professor John Culhane: John discusses a FoxNews report of a Massachusetts employee, Peter Vidala, who was fired for his disparaging remark to a colleague when she told him that she had married her same-sex partner. [read post]
2 Jan 2025, 8:43 am
Part two of our December 16 webinar, featuring Ballard Spahr partners John Culhane and Joseph Schuster, is to be released on January 9.... [read post]
22 Jan 2014, 5:33 am
“Weirdly, two of [the New Jersey bridge plaintiffs] work for the attorney who’s representing them” [John Culhane, Slate via Howard Wasserman, Prawfs, earlier] Tweet Tags: chasing clients, New JerseyClose-to-home plaintiffs is a post from Overlawyered - Chronicling the high cost of our legal system [read post]
27 Nov 2024, 8:24 am
John Culhane, a partner in the Consumer Financial Services Group at our firm.... [read post]
22 Feb 2024, 5:15 pm
“There’s an Enormous, Impossible-to-Resolve Contradiction in Alabama’s Anti-IVF Ruling”: Law professor John Culhane has this Jurisprudence essay online at Slate. [read post]
14 Oct 2009, 7:43 pm
John's, I sat on a panel with Steve Ware and Marianne Culhane that addressed the enforcement of pre-petition arbitration agreements in bankruptcy. [read post]
28 May 2020, 10:36 am
Ballard Spahr attorneys John Culhane and Lori Sommerfield have published an article, “Garnishment Must Be Clarified in Pandemic Relief Laws,” that discusses the relevant federal and state law considerations. [read post]
14 Mar 2014, 11:31 am
John L. [read post]
30 Jan 2025, 9:19 am
Our podcast show today features John Culhane and Mike Kilgarriff, partners in Ballard Spahr’s Consumer Financial Services group. [read post]
26 May 2009, 3:29 am
Analysis05/27/09 WordinEdgewise, by Widener University law professor John Culhane (analysis of Justice Moreno's dissenting opinion)05/26/09 WordinEdgewise, by Widener University law professor John Culhane (analysis of the majority opinion)05/26/09 Leonard Link, by New York University law professor Arthur Leonard05/26/09 Waldlaw Blog, by Deborah Wald, Chair of the National Family Law Advisory Council of the National Center for Lesbian RightsReaction06/02/09… [read post]
29 Apr 2015, 1:46 pm
John L. [read post]
16 Feb 2016, 4:00 am
John L. [read post]