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9 Nov 2011, 3:23 pm by Gritsforbreakfast
Jones(Updated/expanded 11/10) I've been reading the transcript (pdf) from yesterday's oral arguments at the US Supreme Court in US v. [read post]
22 Feb 2016, 7:22 am by Kenneth Vercammen Esq. Edison
Jones -Police have pc if odor of pot State v Myers  - No DWI dismissal even if form not given to DWI suspects S v Sorensen    - Driver is not subject to criminal driving while suspended if DWI suspension period expired prior to driving, still subject to traffic dws State v Perry  [handled by Ken V]New Jersey Retired Police & Firemen's Association, Inc. [read post]
8 Nov 2011, 3:58 pm by nflatow
Roberts expressed concern about secret warrantless GPS tracking by police during oral argument in U.S. v. [read post]
30 Jan 2018, 7:50 am
A cybersurveillance nonintrusion test implicitly suggested by the Supreme Court in United States v. [read post]
30 Jan 2018, 7:50 am by Christine Corcos
A cybersurveillance nonintrusion test implicitly suggested by the Supreme Court in United States v. [read post]
30 Jan 2014, 1:55 pm by JB
The Harvard Law Review is hosting a symposium on Freedom of the Press on February 15th to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of New York Times v. [read post]
12 Sep 2011, 6:17 am by David Oscar Markus
In November, it will hear arguments in United States v. [read post]