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24 Apr 2012, 7:01 am
Our car accident injury Michigan attorney is reporting a Bowne Township single rollover car accident that killed Kasey Alan Higley, and injured Alex Ohirich and Shat Slagter on Sunday, April 15 around 2:13 a.m. [read post]
10 Jul 2013, 9:14 am
Forrest (2013) 215 Cal.App.4th 1359, by Reed Smith's Jim Martin (former chair of LACBA's Appellate Courts Committee, former president of the Cal Academy of Appellate Lawyers, and president-elect of the American Academy) and Kasey Curtis (an associate in Reed Smith's appellate group). [read post]
9 Oct 2019, 11:30 am
Cockrell Centennial Chair in Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin and Akira Yoshino, an honorary fellow for the Asahi Kasei Corporation in Tokyo and a professor at Meijo University in Nagoya, Japan. [read post]
28 Jan 2019, 2:23 pm
Today's DJ has a full page of promotions, including some SoCal appellate lawyers, such as David Hackett at GMSR and Kasey Curtis at Reed Smith.On the appellate sanctions front, here's an unpub from Friday where sanctions were affirmed for legally frivolous arguments in the trial court (i.e., no abuse of discretion), but not imposed on appeal: "we certainly do not want to punish a lawyer for full-throated advocacy on behalf of his or her client by raising a novel theory or… [read post]
5 Nov 2024, 5:04 pm
Peru: Standards Set by CRC on Sexual and Reproductive Rights Eric Heinze, Identitarian Hatreds and Disloyalty Propaganda: Revisiting the Eurocentrism of Human Rights Chidi Anselm Odinkalu, The Right to Be Human: Rest and Leisure in International Human Rights Law Rebecca Smyth Abortion Exceptionalism in International Human Rights Law Mark Yost, Kasey Fernandez, Etoile Nelson, Rochelle Dicker, & Maryam Farzanegan, Gun Violence Against Children in the U.S … [read post]
9 Oct 2019, 11:30 am
Cockrell Centennial Chair in Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin and Akira Yoshino, an honorary fellow for the Asahi Kasei Corporation in Tokyo and a professor at Meijo University in Nagoya, Japan. [read post]
23 Aug 2010, 5:35 am
Kasey Padella, a passenger in the car was killed due to the rollover accident. [read post]
24 Jan 2014, 9:24 am
Case Name: KASEY J. [read post]
27 Aug 2009, 5:30 am
Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation v. [read post]
27 Mar 2009, 11:59 am
Now, on with the countdown (yeah, quoting Kasey Kassem): 1. [read post]
10 Sep 2018, 9:25 am
Ignacio de la Rasilla del Moral, Wuhan University, Institute of International Law, is publishing Bartolomé De Las Casas: A Radical Humanitarian in the Age of the Great Encounter in The Faces of Human Rights (Kasey McCall-Smith, Jan Wouters, and Felipe Gomez Isa, eds., Hart Publishing 2019). [read post]
10 Sep 2018, 9:25 am
Ignacio de la Rasilla del Moral, Wuhan University, Institute of International Law, is publishing Bartolomé De Las Casas: A Radical Humanitarian in the Age of the Great Encounter in The Faces of Human Rights (Kasey McCall-Smith, Jan Wouters, and Felipe Gomez Isa, eds., Hart Publishing 2019). [read post]
19 Aug 2016, 1:54 pm
by Jim Martin and Kasey Curtis, about a pair of 9th Circuit opinions (Van Dusen v. [read post]
11 Feb 2013, 6:20 am
The following post is based on a Gibson Dunn alert by Amy Goodman, Elizabeth Ising, Sean Feller, Gillian McPhee, Allison Balick and Kasey Levit Robinson. [read post]
2 Jun 2016, 1:43 pm
U.S.Then, Paul Fogel and Kasey Curtis of Reed Smith offer Less Will Become More Come December in the 9th Circuit about FRAP changes taking effect December 1, including the reduction in word limits for briefs, the addition of word limits for non-briefs, amicus briefs in connection with rehearing petitions, abolition of the automatic 3-day extension for e-service, and the requirement of certificates of compliance for non-briefs.And the start of a new month, means another installment from… [read post]
24 Jan 2025, 5:00 am
Anyone wishing to review a copy of this non-precedential decision may click this LINK.I send thanks to Attorney Kasey E. [read post]
1 May 2012, 12:57 pm
Celebrities like Kasey Khane have even released public service announcements with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration urging drivers to “STOP THE TEXTS STOP THE WRECKS. [read post]
14 Sep 2011, 9:41 am
It got worse for Kasey Staley. [read post]
30 May 2009, 5:53 pm
Kasey D. [read post]
18 Mar 2019, 10:41 am
And Reed Smith's Kasey Curtis and Charles Hyun also address Sweetwater in Proper Submission of Pre-Trial Evidence: The Twin Hurdles.Today's Recorder has Bedsworth: Me and Franklin G. [read post]