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4 Jul 2024, 9:01 pm by renholding
I’d like to thank members of the SEC staff for their work on this proposal, including: Natasha Greiner, Sarah ten Siethoff, Brian Johnson, Amanda Hollander Wagner, Brad Gude, Christian Corkery, Pamela Ellis, Rachael Hoffman, Michael Khalil, James Maclean, Amy Miller, Laura Harper Powell, Andrea Ottomanelli Magovern, Michael Kosoff, Elisabeth Bentzinger, Sonny Oh, Jenson Wayne, and Nicolina McCarthy in the Division of Investment Management; Felicia Kung, Todd Hardiman, Sean Harrison, Andrew… [read post]
22 Mar 2023, 9:01 pm by renholding
I’d like to thank the members of the SEC staff who worked on this proposal, including: Haoxiang Zhu, Raymond Lombardo, Valentina Deng, Patrick Bloomstine, Edward Cho, David Dimitrious, Deborah Flynn, Lourdes Gonzalez, John Guidroz, Haley Holliday, Molly Kim, Matthew Lee, Katherine Lesker, Russell Mancuso, Cristie March, Carol McGee, David Michehl, Catherine Moore, Michou Nguyen, Claire Noakes, Susan Petersen, Justin Pica, David Remus, Kelly Shoop, Rose Wells, David Saltiel, Andrea… [read post]
27 Aug 2014, 7:17 am
Moore, Seventh Circuit: A jury convicted Appellant of using or carrying a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence but was unable to reach a verdict on the predicate violent crime itself. [read post]
21 Sep 2024, 5:00 pm by Thaddeus Mason Pope, JD, PhD
Moderator:  Kyle Karches, “Resisting the robot surrogate”Thaddeus Pope, “Decline and fall of informed consent: Long live shared decision-making with certified patient decision aids”Bryanna Moore, “A wish to die trying to live: Unwise or incapacitous? [read post]
19 Apr 2024, 1:59 am by Yosi Yahoudai
There’s no governance,” Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, an associate professor at the Duke University School of Medicine and an expert on prison standards, said of the allegations involving the handling of inmate organs in the prison system. [read post]
24 Aug 2023, 6:32 am
I’d like to thank the members of the SEC staff who worked on these final rules, including: William Birdthistle, Sarah ten Siethoff, Melissa Harke, Adele Murray, Marc Mehrespand, Tom Strumpf, Tim Dulaney, Trevor Tatum, Shane Cox, Robert Holowka, and Neema Nassiri in the Division of Investment Management; Meridith Mitchell, Natalie Shioji, Jeff Berger, Robert Bagnall, and Amy Scully in the Office of the General Counsel; Jessica Wachter, Ross Askanazi, Alexander Schiller, Charles Woodworth,… [read post]
19 Apr 2012, 10:33 am by Rebecca Anderson
  Between Worlds: The Path to Independence for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence   Tsedey Bogale L'13, Tarun Sridharan L'13, and Shikha Bhattacharjee L'13, and Lauren O'Garro-Moore L'12 present " Between Worlds: The Path to Independence for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence. [read post]
23 Aug 2023, 9:01 pm by renholding
I’d like to thank the members of the SEC staff who worked on these final rules, including: William Birdthistle, Sarah ten Siethoff, Melissa Harke, Adele Murray, Marc Mehrespand, Tom Strumpf, Tim Dulaney, Trevor Tatum, Shane Cox, Robert Holowka, and Neema Nassiri in the Division of Investment Management; Meridith Mitchell, Natalie Shioji, Jeff Berger, Robert Bagnall, and Amy Scully in the Office of the General Counsel; Jessica Wachter, Ross Askanazi, Alexander Schiller, Charles Woodworth,… [read post]
3 Oct 2024, 3:27 am by Laura
In the London guide, Legal Director Jennifer Moore and Senior Associate Rory Laide are noted, while in Birmingham Senior Associate Lauren Parton and Solicitor Patrice Coughlin are mentioned. [read post]
15 Mar 2023, 9:01 pm by renholding
Coe, Leah Mesfin, Tyler Raimo, Cate Whiting, Elizabeth De boyrie, Heidi Pilpel, David Liu, Erika Berg, Katriana Roh, David Hsu, Rob Hegarty, Roman Ivanchenko, Joshua Nimmo, Devin Ryan, James Wintering, Susan Pokembla, Ed Schellhorn, Roni Bergoffen, Laura Compton, Jennifer Colihan, and William Miller in the Division of Trading and Markets; Greg Price, Jessica Wachter, Oliver Richard, Juan Echeverri, Wei Liu, Daniel Bresler, Michael Willis, Julie Marlowe, Greg Scopino, Parhaum Hamidi, Lauren… [read post]
13 Jul 2022, 9:01 pm by Gary Gensler
I’d like to thank the staff for their hard work in making these important amendments, including: Renee Jones, Michael Seaman, and Kasey Robinson in the Division of Corporation Finance; Dan Berkovitz, Megan Barbero, Bryant Morris, Dorothy McCuaig, David Russo, and Joe Valerio in the Office of the General Counsel; Lauren Moore, Andrew Glickman, and Olga Itenberg in the Division of Economic and Risk Analysis; Ray Be, Terri Jordan, and Toyin Momoh in the Division of Investment… [read post]
24 Aug 2023, 6:32 am
I’d like to thank the members of the SEC staff who worked on these final rules, including: William Birdthistle, Sarah ten Siethoff, Melissa Harke, Adele Murray, Marc Mehrespand, Tom Strumpf, Tim Dulaney, Trevor Tatum, Shane Cox, Robert Holowka, and Neema Nassiri in the Division of Investment Management; Meridith Mitchell, Natalie Shioji, Jeff Berger, Robert Bagnall, and Amy Scully in the Office of the General Counsel; Jessica Wachter, Ross Askanazi, Alexander Schiller, Charles Woodworth,… [read post]
10 Oct 2023, 9:03 pm by renholding
I’d like to thank members of the SEC staff for their work on these final rules, including: Erik Gerding, Mellissa Duru, Ted Yu, Nicholas Panos, Valian Afshar, Elizabeth Murphy, Robert Errett, Chris Windsor, Anne Krauskopf, Katherine Bagley, Emma O’Hara, and Pearl Crawley in the Division of Corporation Finance; Megan Barbero, Bryant Morris, Dorothy McCuaig, Ken Alcé, David Russo, Rachel McKenzie, and Brooke Wagner in the Office of the General Counsel; Jessica Wachter, Lyndon Orton,… [read post]
23 Jul 2024, 4:38 am by Gwendolyn Whidden
Zoe Scottie, Lauren Mascarenhas, and Holly Yan report for CNN. [read post]
12 Jul 2023, 9:01 pm by renholding
I’d like to thank the members of the SEC staff who worked on this proposal, including: Haoxiang Zhu, Sheila Swartz, Abraham Jacob, Randall Roy, Mike Macchiaroli, Tom McGowan, Ray Lombardo, Tim Fox, David Saltiel, Andrea Orr, Yue Ding, John Prochilo, and Roni Bergoffen in the Division of Trading and Markets; Jessica Wachter, Juan Echeverri, Dasha Safonova, Ryan Brady, Caroline Schulte, Oliver Richard, Jill Henderson, Lauren Moore, and Charles Woodworth in the Division of… [read post]
2 Nov 2023, 9:01 pm by renholding
For their work on these matters, I’d like to thank members of the SEC staff including: Haoxiang Zhu, Andrea Orr, David Saltiel, William Miller, Kyle Druding, Sharon Park, Roni Bergoffen, Eric Juzenas, Michael Coe, Michael Gaw, David Liu, Leah Mesfin, Michou Nguyen, Geoffrey Pemble, Justin Pica, Leah Drennan Will Magliocco, Carol McGee, John Guidroz, Israel Goodman, Matthew Lee, and Stephanie Park in the Division of Trading and Markets; Meridith Mitchell, Robert Teply, Leila Bham, Donna… [read post]