Search for: "Linda Moss" Results 41 - 43 of 43
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5 Jul 2020, 2:24 pm by Derek T. Muller
The multiple correlation of LSAT score and UGPA with FYA was .49 for those same schools.)Linda Jellum & Emmeline Paulette Reeves, Cool Data on a Hot Issue: Empirical Evidence that a Law School Bar Support Program Enhances Bar Performance, 5 Nevada Law Journal 646 (2005)From the July 1997 examination [of the Virginia bar exam] through the February 2001 examination, the passage rate for students [from Richmond Law] in the bottom half of the class was 51.3%. [read post]
20 Jul 2019, 11:06 am by Seeger Weiss LLP
Howard hired Addys Walker and his business partner Linda Bedell, who had both previously worked as paralegals and private investigators, to help him find clients in exchange for a consulting fee. [read post]
6 Mar 2020, 3:00 am by Jim Sedor
District Court Judge Randolph Moss said the administration violated the Federal Vacancies Reform Act when it tapped Cuccinelli in June 2019 to lead U.S. [read post]