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12 Feb 2024, 2:33 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
Plaintiff loses an appeal to the Second Circuit, and sues the Attorneys in Jackson v Law Offs. of Peter Sverd, PLLC 2024 NY Slip Op 30413(U) February 6, 2024 Supreme Court, New York County Docket Number: Index No. 153586/2023 Judge: Lisa S. [read post]
4 Jan 2021, 1:30 pm
The Court’s long-time Appellate Commissioner, Peter Shaw, retired as of December 31, 2020.The Court's press release says:We are grateful for his service and wish him all the best in his well-deserved retirement. [read post]
23 May 2018, 11:58 pm by Ryan Mulvey
Department of Justice, where they’re seeking records of communications of FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. [read post]
8 Jul 2023, 2:23 am by Jacob Katz Cogan
Bayly, Global intellectual history in International Relations: Hierarchy, empire, and the case of late colonial Indian international thought Peter Marcus Kristensen, Subject matters: Imperialism and the constitution of International Relations Inho Choi, On being Chinese and being complexified: Chinese IR as a transcultural project Sandra Pogodda, Oliver P. [read post]
19 Mar 2017, 1:39 pm by Howard Friedman
Schuck, One Nation Undecided: Clear Thinking About Five Hard Issues that Divide Us, (Princeton University Press, March 2017).Lisa Mathews, Free Exercise and Third-Party Harms: Why Scholars Are Wrong and RFRA Is Right, (Trinity Law Review, Forthcoming).From elsewhere:Marsha B. [read post]
14 Jul 2024, 7:44 am by Jacob Katz Cogan
Contents include:Special Issue: Supply-Side Climate Policy: Emerging Lessons and Next Steps Peter Newell & Angela Carter, Introduction: What next for supply-side policy? [read post]
19 Apr 2012, 7:18 pm by Rick Hasen
Guests: Lisa Graves: Center for Media and Democracy, @thelisagraves Stephen Moore: Wall Street Journal Rashad Robinson:, @rashadrobinson Sheila Krumholz: Center for Responsive Politics, @skrmhlz [read post]
3 Apr 2009, 5:08 am
Lisa Fairfax and I will be at the Panic of 2008 conference at GW today and tomorrow. [read post]
10 Nov 2009, 3:43 am
Attorney Peter LaSorsa has filed many cases filed under the Illinois Human Rights Act in both Chicago and Springfield. [read post]
19 May 2010, 8:38 am by GiovannaShay
Lisa Belkin has published an article in the New York Times magazine quoting commentators who ask whether it "sends the 'wrong' message" to girls and young women to nominate single, childless Kagan for the court. [read post]
13 Aug 2018, 8:37 am by Kent Scheidegger
Strzok's exchange of tens of thousands of text messages from 2015 through 2017 with a former FBI lawyer, Lisa Page, with whom he was having an affair.Mr. [read post]
7 Oct 2010, 1:24 pm by The Farber Law Group
Peter Hospital after the car accident but was then transported to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. [read post]