Search for: "Manual Enterprises, Inc. v. Day"
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15 Dec 2020, 1:40 pm
In Dominguez v. [read post]
The Canadian Copyright Board: To Be or Not To Be –That Is A Question – ALAI Conference, May 25, 2016
28 Jun 2016, 2:37 pm
This was evident in the response of Jason Kee of Google and others who spoke for powerful interests, who emphasized that new technology moves very quickly and delay and retroactivity are serious concerns, even for an enterprise as powerful as Google. [read post]
25 Jan 2011, 7:24 am
In reality, Countrywide was an enterprise driven by only one purpose – to originate and securitize as many mortgage loans as possible into MBS to generate profits for the Countrywide Defendants, without regard to the investors that relied on the critical, false information provided to them with respect to the related Certificates. [read post]
13 Apr 2016, 4:55 pm
As cyber-attacks continue to proliferate, more and more law firm executive committees will come to realize that cybersecurity risks now actually trump most (if not all) other business risks – and not just because technology and networks touch every aspect of a legal enterprise. [read post]