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22 Dec 2014, 1:48 am by Jeremy Speres
  Of course there’s a fine line between this approach and diluting the value of registered rights by allowing extraneous matter to be considered, a line which I’m glad I don’t have to decide on! [read post]
28 May 2020, 8:32 am by Ron Friedmann
Mark cites adage that there is too much law for those can it afford, and not enough for those who can’t. [read post]
24 Apr 2014, 1:47 pm
This case isn't about liability of billions of euros of bad debt following sub-prime lending. [read post]
Comment The judgment shows that reputed trade marks will not always be spared from revocation, and that in the assessment of trade mark use, it matters how customers view the products. [read post]
16 May 2018, 11:03 am by Camilla Alexandra Hrdy
But to deserve the classification as criminal, as a legal matter, the act of counterfeiting must be proven "beyond a reasonable doubt" to fit within the exact text of the relevant statute, the Trademark Counterfeiting Act. [read post]
6 Nov 2019, 10:04 am by Howard Bashman
“Virginia Democrats’ Victory Proves That Gerrymandering Matters; When they aren’t held back by racist redistricting tactics, Democrats can actually win”: Mark Joseph Stern has this jurisprudence essay online at Slate. [read post]
10 May 2017, 1:36 pm
"The Only Constitutional Right That Matters: Conservative judges want to protect domestic abusers' right to bear arms; Why don't they care about protecting the right to vote? [read post]
24 Apr 2012, 3:40 am
For trade marks, however, the matter is not so straightforward. [read post]
28 Mar 2022, 2:17 am by Alyson Poole (AU)
  Unfortunately this fast-and-loose attitude won’t do you any favours in the land of trade mark registrations. [read post]
28 Mar 2022, 2:17 am by Alyson Poole (AU)
  Unfortunately this fast-and-loose attitude won’t do you any favours in the land of trade mark registrations. [read post]
5 May 2014, 12:06 am by Jeremy Speres
  Terespolsky argued that once infringement has been established, a right to damages/reasonable royalty followed as a matter of course, i.e strict liability without fault. [read post]
11 May 2018, 1:24 am
 However, the parties were reminded by the US Patent and Trade Mark Office that it only constitutes hearsay and may not be relied upon for the truth of the matters asserted unless a competent witness has testified to the truth of such matters [Fed. [read post]
30 Jan 2023, 11:50 am by Nicholas J. Krob
” Included with this Amendment was a specimen purporting to show applicant’s use of the mark in commerce—a low resolution image of a white t-shirt with the phrase “WHITE LIVES MATTER” printed on the front and on a tag. [read post]
24 Jun 2008, 9:23 am
"Known position wobbler Mark Lemley is on the same side of the Nuijten issue as he was in Lab Corp. [read post]
8 Oct 2010, 7:56 pm by Glenn Reynolds
MARK TAPSCOTT: “PJTV is, quite simply, the most important video news media operation on the Right side of the Internet, or for that matter anywhere on the Internet. [read post]