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15 Nov 2017, 6:30 am by Dan Ernst
Michael Goodson Law Library, Duke University School of Law, has posted Beyond 'The Annals of Murder': The Life and Works of Thomas M. [read post]
27 Nov 2017, 12:01 pm by Christine Corcos
Michael Goodson Law Library, Duke University School of Law, has published Beyond 'The Annals of Murder': The Life and Works of Thomas M. [read post]
6 Mar 2007, 12:51 am
The fifth teen linked to the fatal beating of a homeless man two years ago has pleaded no contest to a lesser charge and received one-year's probation.Initially charged with aggravated battery, a felony, Phi Huynh, 17, entered a plea to simple battery, a misdemeanor.A group of teenagers beat, kicked and stomped 53-year-old Michael Roberts in three separate attacks in a wooded area of Holly Hill in May 2005. [read post]
24 Oct 2024, 1:51 pm by Ilya Somin
 (CHINE NOUVELLE/SIPA/Newscom)  In this post I am going to explain why Kamala Harris is a far lesser evil than Donald Trump, and therefore, I plan to vote for her. [read post]
16 Jun 2010, 2:56 pm by admin
It is important to try to argue for the lesser charge of “Aggressive Driving” because that is a civil violation (not a criminal violation), and therefore, no jail time can be imposed. [read post]
5 Jun 2015, 4:21 pm by Samuel Goldberg
Well, the trial of 26-year-old Michael Stallings from Boston (hereinafter, the “Defendant”) is over. [read post]
25 Jul 2012, 11:08 am by admin
Michael Childress, a consultant with RiskWorldwide, doesn’t pull any punches. [read post]
3 Dec 2016, 4:26 am by SHG
The judge also submitted the lesser included charge of voluntary manslaughter. [read post]
2 May 2014, 7:23 pm by Sabrina I. Pacifici
 States (and to a lesser extent localities) provide 53 percent of the revenue that can be used to support instruction at these schools. [read post]
14 Aug 2022, 7:20 pm by Jacob Katz Cogan
Smith, Indebted Impunity and Violence in a Lesser State: Ethno-Racial Capitalism in Sri Lanka Kojo Koram, The Legalization of Cannabis and the Question of Reparations Christopher Gevers, Refiguring Slavery Through International Law: The 1926 Slavery Convention, the ‘Native Labor Code’ and Racial Capitalism Adelle Blackett, Racial Capitalism and the Contemporary International Law on Slavery: (Re)membering Hacienda Brasil Verde       [read post]
28 Jan 2008, 10:03 am
That number doesn’t include the many innocent people who have been convicted of crimes and freed from lesser sentences. [read post]
8 Jul 2009, 1:09 pm
  For months, it made headlines in New York (and elsewhere to a lesser extent), and for good reason. [read post]
26 Feb 2020, 4:53 am by SHG
Clark, Eric Gonzalez, Melinda Katz, Michael E. [read post]
24 Jul 2024, 9:05 pm by Dan Flynn
His lesser sentence was due to several counts on which he was found not guilty. [read post]
18 Jun 2010, 11:35 am by TJ McIntyre
The High Court (Irvine J.) today gave an interlocutory judgment in the important case of convicted rapist Michael Murray who is seeking to restrain newspapers from publishing his photograph or details of his whereabouts. [read post]
30 Jul 2013, 10:48 am by WSLL
Michael Pauling, Senior Assistant Attorney General; Joshua Eames, Student Intern. [read post]
27 Nov 2023, 9:30 pm by ernst
       Introductory Remarks (MICHAEL LOBBAN)Part 1 – Atlantic Relations2. [read post]