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20 Feb 2012, 1:02 pm by Edward
Mike Ball (R) of Madison is sponsoring HB 259, which mandates that donors who... [read post]
19 Sep 2010, 7:25 am by Rebecca Tushnet
Mike Madison has a great post on Steelers fan memorabilia. [read post]
7 Mar 2018, 11:04 am by Legal Skills Prof
The PrawfsBlawg is continuing its symposium on Mike Madison's For a New Year: An Invitation Regarding Law, Legal Education, and Imagining the Future. [read post]
16 Oct 2007, 6:25 am
Posted by Jeff Lipshaw Mike Madison's recent post on the "legal" brouhaha arising out of his neighborhood blog in Pittsburgh reminded me of one of my brief forays into public debate a number of years ago. [read post]
26 Mar 2018, 11:57 am by Legal Skills Prof
As I recently mentioned, the PrawfsBlawg is having a symposium on Mike Madison’s For a New Year: An Invitation Regarding Law, Legal Education, and Imagining the Future. [read post]
2 May 2008, 12:12 pm
Steve is also currently attending library school here at UW Madison. [read post]
6 Aug 2012, 12:56 pm
At said time and place, Mike Umfleet, age 36, from Fredericktown, Missouri was heading north while operating a 2010 Ford Escort. [read post]
6 Apr 2018, 12:14 pm by Dan Rodriguez
Law Schools Are Like Pittsburgh Mike Madison’s work outside legal education informs this space, as well. [read post]
14 Mar 2007, 6:06 am
Mike Madison blogged his thoughts about the Community 2.0 conference we attended earlier this week. [read post]
28 Jun 2010, 8:33 pm by Donn Zaretsky
Mike Madison has some thoughts on the Christo-"influenced" AT&T TV ad (mentioned earlier here). [read post]
21 Jan 2009, 7:03 pm
The hunt is on for the photographic source of Shepard Fairey's iconic Obama image, and, as Mike Madison says, now "the fair use fun can begin. [read post]
15 Jul 2009, 10:15 am
From the Wisconsin State Journal: Applications at the UW-Madison Law School were up by about 5.5 percent this year, and more students than anticipated said they plan to enroll in the fall, said Mike Hall, assistant dean for admissions. [read post]
12 Aug 2007, 2:13 pm
In a perceptive commentary on a recent IP conference, Mike Madison complains that: By far the biggest flaw in presentations and papers by junior IP scholars (and sometimes by more senior IP scholars) was and is their evident ignorance of earlier work. [read post]
27 Mar 2008, 11:12 am
As Mike Madison has noted almost two years ago, in general innovations in law school curriculum have not kept pace with business schools. [read post]
26 Sep 2020, 9:29 am by Paul Caron
Bryan Camp (Texas Tech), Lesson From The Tax Court: Receipts Are Not Enough Jack Goldstone (George Mason) & Peter Turchin (Connecticut), Welcome To The ‘Turbulent Twenties’ Clarion Ledger, State Auditor Tries To Fire Tenured Professor Who Participated In #ScholarStrike Mike Madison (Pittsburgh), Legal Education's Waterloo: Urgency, The Fire Swamp, And... [read post]
7 May 2012, 5:03 am by Ann Althouse
It’s a clear statute,” said Mike Wittenwyler, a Madison political law attorney. “If that’s a loophole, then the entire state statutes are a loophole.” [read post]
14 Dec 2006, 12:00 pm
Mike Madison asks: What technologies — if any — should every law professor be expected to know and use competently in 2007? [read post]
18 Jun 2008, 11:49 pm
Mike Madison points out that Jonathan Zittrain was on Colbert last night. [read post]