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13 Aug 2010, 8:47 am
The new rule, recommended in 2006 by the Modesto-based Almond Board of California, was prompted by instances of salmonella contamination in 2001 and 2004. [read post]
14 Mar 2010, 10:47 pm by admin
– Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Register, March 12, 2010 In accordance with section 113(g) of the Clean Air Act, as amended (‘‘Act’’), 42 U.S.C. 7413(g), notice is hereby given of a proposed settlement agreement and consent decree, to address a lawsuit filed by Wildearth Guardians: Wildearth Guardians v. [read post]
4 Mar 2010, 3:17 pm by admin
This Settlement Agreement proposes to compromise a claim the United States has at this Site for Past Response Costs, as those terms are defined in the Settlement Agreement. [read post]
16 Dec 2009, 8:53 am by Abbott & Kindermann
 First, a lead agency can reasonably conclude that a project which exceeds state energy efficiency standards has a less than significant impact. [read post]
9 Aug 2008, 11:58 am
Yosemite Avenue, Manteca, CA 95337 * 338 McHenry Avenue, Modesto, CA 95354 * 3833 McHenry Avenue, Modesto, CA 95356 * 1420 V Street, Merced, CA 95340 * 2651 Greer Road, Turlock, CA 95382 The State is attempting to suspend the licenses of these stores. [read post]
5 Mar 2008, 10:51 am
From today's Santa Clara County (CA) new-case report:Katrina Petrini (in pro per) v. [read post]
7 Nov 2007, 7:43 am
Box 7788 Santa Rosa, CA 95407-0788 Phone: (707) 566-8647 Fax: (707) 586-3279 E-mail: UCP of the Golden Gate 1970 Broadway, Suite 600 Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: (510) 832-7430 Fax: (510) 839-1329 E-mail: Web: UCP of Stanislaus County 1213 13th Street Modesto, CA 95354 Phone: (209) 577-2122 Fax: (209) 577-2392 E-mail: CALIFORNIA STATE RESOURCES AGING The California Association of Area Agencies on Aging (C4A)… [read post]
16 Jul 2007, 5:56 am
The only way one can claim privacy grounds is if the state constitution or some statute supports the argument because the Fourth Amendment won't under Smith v. [read post]
30 May 2007, 4:15 pm
Rick Hasen discusses the Sanchez v. [read post]