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9 Dec 2007, 11:38 pm
Danchin, Of Prophets and Proselytes: Freedom of Religion and the Conflict of Rights in International Law, (Harvard International Law Journal, Vol. 49, 2008).Peter G. [read post]
22 Apr 2013, 4:05 am
NYU School of Law, Public Law Research Paper No. 13-15.Michael Stokes Paulsen, The Plausibility of Personhood, (74 Ohio State Law Journal 14 (2012)).Nina J. [read post]
19 Feb 2024, 12:25 pm
Oren Tamir (Harvard University, Harvard Law School; NYU Law) has posted Beyond the Binary: Toward A New Global Model of Constitutional Rights Adjudication (41 Berkeley Journal of International Law 198 (2023)) on SSRN. [read post]
4 Sep 2008, 12:05 am
Here's the schedule for this fall's New York University School of Law Hauser Globalization Colloquium on Global Governance and Legal Theory:September 10 - David Dyzenhaus (Univ. of Toronto), The Concept of (Global) Administrative Law September 24- Eyal Benvenisti (Tel Aviv Univ. - Law) & George Downs (New York Univ.), Toward Global Checks and BalancesOctober 1 - Nico Krisch (LSE); and Euan MacDonald and Eran Shamir-Borer (New York Univ.), Global… [read post]
7 Oct 2013, 7:00 am
Haupt, Active Symbols, (55 Boston College Law Review (forthcoming 2014)).Hamid Harasani, Islamic Law of Wills: An Overview, (October 1, 2012).William Baude, Interstate Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage after Windsor, NYU Journal of Law & Liberty, Vol. 8, 2013, Forthcoming. [read post]
7 Nov 2014, 6:30 am
The Editors welcome submissions on all business and human rights-related topics from scholars and practitioners working in diverse fields such as business and human rights, corporate social responsibility, business ethics, business management, economics, political science, sociology, international law, international relations, public policy, constitutional law, human rights, labour law, environmental law, trade and investment… [read post]
15 May 2014, 4:20 pm
In the last two days, the NYU Journal of International Law and Politics and Opinio Juris promoted an online symposium to discuss Professor Jedidiah J. [read post]
11 Nov 2015, 6:52 am
My colleague Rachel Lopez recently published her paper, The (Re)collection of Memory After Mass Atrocity and the Dilemma for Transnational Justice, and that article is now the focus of an annual online symposium co-hosted by Opinio Juris and the NYU Journal of International Law and Politics (JILP). [read post]
10 Sep 2009, 4:26 pm
Here are the ones from A*-B: A* Journals AJIL Harvard Journal of International Law Michigan Journal of International Law NYU Journal of International Law and Politics Yale Journal of International Law A Journals Columbia Journal of Transnational Law EJIL Georgetown Journal of International Law… [read post]
17 Sep 2024, 12:45 pm
," Chapter in The Political Philosophy of Internal Displacement (Oxford Univ. [read post]
7 Apr 2010, 7:00 am
(A Study of Four Districts in Nyanza Province, Kenya)Elin Cohen, University of Washington - School of Law SSRN Laws, Norms & Informal Orders e-Journal Order-Maintenance Agenda as Land Use PolicyNicole Stelle Garnett, Notre Dame Law School Can International Law Stop Genocide When Our Moral Intuitions Fail Us? [read post]
22 Oct 2020, 12:51 pm
His work includes the monographs Constitutional Change in the Contemporary Socialist World (Oxford University Press 2020) and Confucian Constitutionalism in East Asia (Routledge 2016), and articles published in the American Journal of Comparative Law, International Journal of Constitutional Law, Cornell International Law Journal, NYU Journal of International Law and Politics, and the… [read post]
25 Feb 2011, 5:51 am
Her paper, Hard Law, Soft Law, and No Law: The World of International Tax Dispute Resolution, provides what one might argue is too balanced an account of the issues posed by the extreme paucity of publicly available information regarding how treaty disputes (e.g., concerning transfer pricing) involving two countries and a multinational that is active in both end up being resolved. [read post]
9 Feb 2015, 4:00 am
Johnston. 24 Indiana International & Comparative Law Review 859-920 (2014). [read post]
25 Apr 2021, 9:01 pm
The tenuous and legally unpersuasive nature of the ICC’s jurisdictional assertion in this case (as well as similarly aggressive findings over U.S. activities in Afghanistan) will only further weaken the tribunal’s overall international legitimacy going forward.Reprinted with permission from the April 22 issue date of the “New York Law Journal&rdquo [read post]
8 Feb 2011, 5:05 am
by Harvard International Law Journal [Erin F. [read post]
1 Feb 2016, 4:05 am
Billauer, The First Amendment, Moral Law and Abortion: The Conflict between Fetal Rights & Freedom of Religion, (January 22, 2016).Ross Campbell, Hobby Lobby as a Land Use Case: Charting For-Profit RLUIPA Claims, (NYU Journal of Law & Liberty, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2016).William P. [read post]
4 Dec 2019, 4:57 pm
, International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 2016, 24, 128–150.[3] In China, there are several professors think that it is not necessary to protect right to data protection based on constitutional law. [read post]
23 Mar 2021, 9:00 pm
Thus, the guiding law for determining whether a “violation of international law” occurred here is “the law of property. [read post]
10 Nov 2014, 4:00 am
, (NYU Review of Employee Benefits, 2014).Lorenzo Zucca, A Genealogy of State Sovereignty, (Theoretical Inquiries in Law, Forthcoming).Pnina Lahav, Current Challenges: Gender and New Forms of Political Activism, (Boston Univ. [read post]