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27 Apr 2023, 5:52 pm
Gwiazdowicz, Nathalie Hauksson-Tresch, Paolo Heritier, Parineet Kaur, Miklós Könczöl, Anita Lam, Magdalena Łągiewska, Sarah Marusek, Aleksandra Matulewska, Rostam J. [read post]
11 Sep 2024, 3:19 am by Dan Filler
For more information, please contact: Nathalie Martin, Chair, Faculty Appointments Committee -   [read post]
3 Jan 2023, 9:05 pm by Andrew Kliewer
New regulation is needed to prevent fintech from worsening wealth inequality, argue Pamela Foohey of the Cardozo School of Law and Nathalie Martin of the University of New Mexico School of Law in a forthcoming article. [read post]
23 Mar 2015, 12:19 pm by Tom Kosakowski
• Part 1, Doris Kiendl-Wendner, University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria; Martine Conway, University of Victoria; Josef Leidenfrost, Federal Ministry of Science, Vienna, AustriaSession #8 Introduction to Student Development Theory and its relevance to Ombuds Practice, Jay Solman, Simon Fraser University Chris Rogerson, BCITSession #9 Quand l'ombudsman fait de al médiation (Presentation will be in French), Joëlle Thibault, Protectrice de la personne –… [read post]
28 Apr 2017, 4:40 am by Tom Kosakowski
Concurrent Session 3 (Chair: Anna Cybulko)National and Local Ombudsman Offices in Austria: Similarities and Differences in their Activities and Responsibilities -- Nathalie PoddaStudent Ombudsman as Mechanism for Protecting Student Rights in Macedonia -- Aleksandra ZhivkovikjHow the Consumer Protection Act has been Applied in a Canadian Higher Education Institution -- Nora FarrellConcurrent Session 4 (Chair: Jean Grier) Students‘ Rights and Duties: Who Defends them Better: Student… [read post]
15 Feb 2007, 9:57 am
Besides myself and Dean Alexander, the other speakers will be Margaret Howard (Washington & Lee) who is also the keynote speaker, Nathalie Martin (New Mexico), Judge Judith Fitzgerald (Western District of Pennsylvania), Charles Tabb (Illinois), Tom Plank (Tennessee), and Kelli Alces (currently at Richmond but soon Florida State). [read post]
1 Jun 2010, 12:26 pm by Katie Porter
Regular Credit Slips readers may remember that guestblogger Nathalie Martin's post on this problem, "Think Public Benefits are Exempt from Execution? [read post]
9 Jan 2008, 9:26 am
Guestblogger Nathalie Martin shared her experiences as a financial educator on just why tailored education is vitally important. [read post]
8 Mar 2012, 4:16 am by Ezra Rosser
Much has been written on the subject of payday lending practices, notably Professor Nathalie Martin’s work on the predatory nature of payday lenders. [read post]
23 Sep 2013, 7:37 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Baby Girl — Christine Nimmo, Jack Trope, and Kate Fort Panel 2 — Tribal Immunity and Off-Reservation Gaming — Louis Reinwasser, Kathryn Tierney, Lynn Slade Panel 3 — Indian Country Payday Lenders — Butch Webb, John Peebles, Nathalie Martin Panel 4 — Tribal Banishments in Response to on-Reservation Drug Crimes — Lac du Flambeau, Tulalip, and Hoopa tribal leaders and/or counsel Panel 5 – Maxwell v. [read post]
8 Aug 2007, 4:13 am
The meeting organizers are Jean Braucher and Nathalie Martin if anyone has questions. [read post]
10 Jan 2012, 3:20 am by Jacob Katz Cogan
Nathalie Vaiter-Romain, La Cour européenne des droits de l'homme, juge du « provisoire » : effet de miroir ou réalité ? [read post]
4 Jan 2010, 1:40 pm by Erik Gerding
(In short, my colleague Nathalie Martin will have a full plate this decade.) 2. [read post]
30 Nov 2023, 7:21 am by Emmanuel Didier
Neuwirth 6 Constitutional semiotics as a post-positivist and post-modern approach to constitution and constitutionalism based on the linguistic, visual and emotional turns 105 Martin Belov 7 Semiotics and the space-time ingredients of legal experience 120 Mario Ricca 8 Narrative identity and human beings’ legal subjectivity 135 Bartosz Wojciechowski 9 Classical rhetoric, legal argumentation and the semiotics of law 146 Miklós Könczöl 10 Legal semiotics and… [read post]
27 Aug 2008, 7:32 am
L’Association internationale des jeunes avocats (AIJA), la Section « International Law » de l’American Bar Association (ABA), le Ministère de la Justice du Canada et le Ministère de la Justice du Québec sont aussi de la partie afin de nous offrir des présentations des intervenants suivants:BENYEKHLEF, Karim (Professeur - Directeur du CRDP)CHANDLER, Jennifer (Professeure - Université d’Ottawa - Section de common law)DUCHESNE,… [read post]
16 Feb 2007, 7:50 am
The first speaker of the morning is Professor Nathalie Martin of the University of New Mexico School of Law. [read post]
8 Jan 2007, 11:16 am
Finally, we have to thank Nathalie Martin (New Mexico) for her kind words about Credit Slips in her introductory remarks as section chair. [read post]
13 Nov 2019, 10:12 am by Anna Carrier (BE)
The first panel (Basel III in a global context) was moderated by Harald Waiglein (FSC), and the panellists included Carolyn Rogers (BCBS), Pauli Kariniemi (Finnish Ministry of Finance), Rupert Schäfer (FINMA), Karin Dohm (Deutsche Bank), Nathalie Errard (Airbus) and Gilles Briatta (SG). [read post]
17 Jan 2020, 5:54 am
., on Sunday, January 12, 2020 Tags: Appraisal rights, Delaware cases, Delaware law, Fair values, Fairness review, Fiduciary duties, Merger litigation, Mergers & acquisitions Corporate Culture: Evidence from the Field Posted by Jillian Grennan (Duke University), on Monday, January 13, 2020 Tags: Accountability, Boards of Directors, Compliance & ethics, Corporate culture, Executive… [read post]