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6 Mar 2013, 9:40 am by WSLL
Phillips, Attorney General; John D. [read post]
4 Jun 2018, 1:25 pm by Eugene Volokh
Smith that "an individual's religious beliefs" do not "excuse him from compliance with an otherwise valid law. [read post]
11 Sep 2013, 7:21 am by emagraken
’s reasons for judgment from the hearing in which the expert’s evidence was considered:  Phillips v. [read post]
22 Jun 2015, 8:49 am by John Jascob
The circuit court disagreed, however, reasoning that the Arkansas Supreme Court had not adopted the Reves test, and that the law in Arkansas remained the test set forth by the Arkansas Court of Appeals in Smith v. [read post]
24 Jul 2010, 10:04 am by INFORRM
The case will be heard by a 5 judge bench consisting of Lords Phillips, Rodger, Walker and Brown and Sir John Dyson. [read post]
24 Jun 2022, 5:38 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
Contrary to defendant’s contention, the allegations underlying the claim are not “couched in terms of gross speculations on future events” (see Phillips-Smith Specialty Retail Group II v Parker Chapin Flattau & Klimpl, 265 AD2d 208 [1st Dept 1999], lv denied 94 NY2d 759 [2000]). [read post]
23 Feb 2008, 7:11 pm
Smith    Western District of Michigan at Marquette 08a0080p.06 USA v. [read post]
27 Jan 2015, 10:16 am by Ben and and for more on the UK's position on 'casual connection see Francis Day & Hunter v. [read post]
16 Apr 2015, 11:30 am by Dan Ernst
"Bernadette Meyler (Law, Stanford): "Sovereignty, Pardoning, and Early Modern Drama"Nigel Smith (English, Princeton): "Legal Agency as Literature in the English Revolution: The Canon Inverted"Panel 6: Extended SovereigntiesChair: Eleanor HubbardHenry Turner (English, Rutgers): "Corporations: Between Law and Literature"Chris Warren (English, CMU): "The Wars of the British: Gentili, Henry V, and the History of International Law"Panel 7:… [read post]
13 Sep 2011, 7:23 am by Jonathan H. Adler
The circuit concluded Smith abrogated Remmer in United States v. [read post]