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26 Jun 2014, 3:56 am by Amy Howe
  Commentary comes from Noah Feldman for Bloomberg View, Hera Arsen at the Ogletree Deakins blog, Daniel Fisher of Forbes, and Brian Netter and Reginald Goeke for Mayer Brown’s Class Defense blog. [read post]
7 Oct 2019, 8:41 am by Alicia Maule
In the six cases where we have jurors’ demographic information, 57% of Black jurors’s votes were ignored whereas only 3.5% of white jurors’ votes were ignored. ============= Reginald Adams served 33 years, seven months and 25 days in prison for the murder of a New Orleans Police Department officer’s wife. [read post]
10 Feb 2010, 3:27 pm
He also touted the firm's prop bono program, which is especially important for attracting the kind of lawyers it wants for the D.C. office (full of government / public policy types -- see our interview with WH partner Reginald Brown for more). [read post]
12 Jan 2012, 8:15 am by Steve Hall
In November, Frost backed new Ohio death penalty practices adopted to alleviate concerns over the inconsistent application of its procedures and allowed the state to execute Reginald Brooks, 66, who had killed his sons. [read post]
9 Feb 2012, 1:41 pm by Mike Scarcella
William Satchell, a financial services regulatory partner in the Washington office of Allen & Overy, was also on the team. [read post]
4 Oct 2011, 9:25 am by Michael Reiter, Attorney at Law
Swing (one term), Charles Allison (one term), William Guthrie (five terms), Howard Reginald Griffin (four terms), Waldo Willhoft (one term), William A. [read post]
12 Feb 2012, 2:34 pm by Michael Scutt
 However, The Rise and Fall of Reginald Perrin says the same thing more humoursly, in my view. [read post]
21 Feb 2016, 4:00 pm by Old Fox
Despite his priest’s orders, he married her in 1532; at the same time, his theological views underwent a further decided change in the direction of Reformed opinion.Archbishop of CanterburyThe year 1532 proved to be a critical one altogether, for William Warham, the aged archbishop of Canterbury, died in August. [read post]
16 Mar 2010, 8:00 am by Lucas A. Ferrara, Esq.
Marsh, and President of the Citywide Council of Presidents of NYCHA Residents Reginald H. [read post]
26 Jun 2006, 3:49 pm
The widely reported William Hetherington case provides an example of how spousal rape accusations can be used strategically. [read post]
  For example, I initially bought into the myth that Los Angeles police chief William H. [read post]
3 Oct 2022, 12:12 pm by INFORRM
The issue of costs ordered in the defamation element of Piepenbrock v London School of Economics and Political Science & Ors [2022] EWHC 2421 (KB) was resolved in a judgment handed down on 30 September 2022 by Heather Williams J. [read post]