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24 Sep 2015, 5:52 am by Amy Howe
” At Fortune, Roger Parloff discusses the “controversial insider trading cases of former hedge fund portfolio managers Todd Newman and Anthony Chiasson” that will be before the Court at its Conference next week, and he reports that “the appeals are beset with a major procedural anomaly that undercuts their chances of acceptance. [read post]
17 Sep 2015, 12:15 pm by Jonathan Bailey
As a result, the judge granted a summary judgment against Rick Ross on the copyright issues. 3: Apple Will Ask Supreme Court to Hear its Ebooks Price-Fixing Case Finally today, Roger Parloff at Fortune reports that Apple has asked for additional time to appeal to the Supreme Court in their dispute over allegations they participated in price fixing of ebooks. [read post]
17 Sep 2015, 7:50 am
"Apple will ask Supreme Court to hear its ebooks price-fixing case": Roger Parloff has this report at [read post]
23 May 2015, 9:12 am by Walter Olson
[Roger Parloff, Fortune] We’ve been covering the story for years, but alas have yet to hear from any stars interested in optioning rights. [read post]
30 Mar 2015, 3:03 am by Walter Olson
A San Francisco jury has found no improper gender discrimination or retaliation by Kleiner Perkins and returned a defense verdict in Ellen Pao’s high-profile lawsuit [Mashable, Roger Parloff/Fortune (noting judge’s evidentiary rulings favorable to Pao)] Pao’s “lawyers also missed out on a payday that could have reached into the millions of dollars. [read post]
16 Mar 2015, 9:15 pm by Walter Olson
I missed it at the time, but a couple of months back Roger Parloff had a write-up at Fortune on why the key Apple executive at the center of the case “says he’d ‘do it again’ – but ‘take better notes.'” Tags: antitrust, Apple, Department of Justice, publishersRoger Parloff on Apple’s e-books defense is a post from Overlawyered - Chronicling the high cost of our legal system [read post]
22 Feb 2015, 9:14 pm by Walter Olson
” [Paul Barrett, Roger Parloff] Tags: animal rights, Chevron, environment, Environmental Protection Agency, land use and zoning, science and scientists, transitEnvironment roundup is a post from Overlawyered - Chronicling the high cost of our legal system [read post]
10 Nov 2014, 5:09 am by Amy Howe
  Commentary comes from Noah Feldman at Bloomberg View, who suggests that, “from the standpoint of the Barack Obama administration, there is reason to be curiously concerned that the president’s signature legislative accomplishment is in jeopardy once again,” and from Roger Parloff of Fortune, who contends that, “[w]hatever [the Court] does, the outcome will define Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. [read post]
6 Oct 2014, 6:04 am by Walter Olson
Ilya Shapiro, Roger Parloff, Daniel Fisher, and Damon Root preview what’s on the docket. [read post]
3 Oct 2014, 6:46 am
And in related coverage, Roger Parloff of Fortune reports that "Supreme Court term to open with quirky business docket. [read post]
20 Sep 2014, 9:58 am by Walter Olson
Roger Parloff at Fortune reviews the two new Chevron-Ecuador books by Paul Barrett and Michael Goldhaber (earlier here, etc.), and also asks where ubiquitous S.D.N.Y. federal prosecutor Preet Bharara is in a case where he might appropriately take an interest. [read post]
20 Sep 2014, 9:58 am by Walter Olson
Roger Parloff at Fortune reviews the two new Chevron-Ecuador books by Paul Barrett and Michael Goldhaber (earlier here, etc.), and also asks where ubiquitous S.D.N.Y. federal prosecutor Preet Bharara is in a case where he might appropriately take an interest. [read post]
2 Jun 2014, 5:34 am by Amy Howe
At Fortune, Roger Parloff urges the Court to grant review in the case of James Risen, a reporter who has been subpoenaed to testify at a criminal trial regarding one of his sources. [read post]
12 May 2014, 9:05 pm by Walter Olson
[WLF] “Colloquium: The Legal Profession’s Monopoly on the Practice of Law” with John McGinnis and Russell Pearce, Benjamin Barton and others [Fordham Law Review] “BP’s Billions Draw Scam Artists” [Amanda Bronstad, NLJ; NYTimes ("They told us we don't even need a lawyer"); Insurance Journal] “South Carolina: LegalZoom is not the Unauthorized Practice of Law” [Legal Ethics Forum] Black lung series with legal ethics angle wins… [read post]
29 Apr 2014, 3:11 am by Amy Howe
  Other coverage comes from Nina Totenberg of NPR, Richard Wolf of USA Today, Bill Mears of CNN, David Savage of the Los Angeles Times (who focuses on the potentially key role of Justice Antonin Scalia), Roger Parloff of Fortune, and the Federal Evidence Review. [read post]
21 Apr 2014, 6:26 am by Amy Howe
Briefly: Fortune’s Roger Parloff previews tomorrow’s oral argument in American Broadcasting Companies v. [read post]
28 Mar 2014, 5:56 am by Amy Howe
” Briefly: At Fortune, Roger Parloff previews next week’s oral arguments in Alice Corporation v. [read post]
4 Mar 2014, 4:39 am by Amy Howe
At CNN Money, Roger Parloff previews tomorrow’s oral argument in Halliburton Co. v. [read post]
26 Feb 2014, 5:53 am by Amy Howe
  Ronald Mann previewed the cases for this blog; at Fortune, Roger Parloff breaks down the issues in the cases. [read post]