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18 Apr 2016, 9:01 pm by Ronald D. Rotunda
The Attorney General of California, Kamala D. [read post]
19 Feb 2017, 9:01 pm by Ronald D. Rotunda
She was remarkably uninterested why, in the purported alphabetizing of the documents that were labeled “C,” she never saw any “alphabetized” list that included A, B, or D documents. [read post]
28 Jan 2018, 9:01 pm by Ronald D. Rotunda
” He still fears for his life because he found key evidence of a $230 million corruption scandal involving high-ranking state officials.Follow @rrotunda Ronald D. [read post]
9 Apr 2017, 9:01 pm by Ronald D. Rotunda
The government should not punish people for using words that our dictionary blesses.Follow @rrotunda Ronald D. [read post]
20 Nov 2016, 9:01 pm by Ronald D. Rotunda
  The SPLC should not target those who disagree with Iran’s Ayatollah on the beliefs of true Muslims.Follow @rrotunda Ronald D. [read post]
26 Mar 2017, 9:01 pm by Ronald D. Rotunda
The release of the documents will help us know if we should be worried or whether all is well.Follow @rrotunda Ronald D. [read post]
18 Jun 2017, 9:01 pm by Ronald D. Rotunda
This year marks a full century since Albert Jeremiah Beveridge (1862 to 1927) published the first two volumes of his historic biography, The Life of John Marshall. [read post]
17 Dec 2017, 9:01 pm by Ronald D. Rotunda
Now we know why Putin, by spending only a few hundred thousand dollars, in an election that cost the candidates $1.4 billion, is sitting in the Kremlin laughing.Follow @rrotunda Ronald D. [read post]
4 Dec 2016, 9:01 pm by Ronald D. Rotunda
If they do not, Congress should refuse to accept the vote of the faithless elector and count that vote as it was pledged, because faithless electors have deceived and disenfranchised those who voted for them.Follow @rrotunda Ronald D. [read post]