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30 Jun 2008, 1:40 pm
Or will the long awaited U.S. decision in Tiffany v. eBay be strike 3 for the auction site? [read post]
9 Mar 2015, 12:23 pm
* The IPKat weblog and the European Patent Office: some points of clarificationMerpel and you need to talk.* Offering a service is not use in commerce Under Lanham Act, says Federal Circuit Court Blogger and recent guest Kat Marie-Andrée Weiss explains the ruling in David Couture v Playdom, a Federal Circuit's decision that highlights a difference of approach between the trade mark law of the United States and that of the European Union as regards the… [read post]
30 Mar 2015, 11:11 am
* BREAKING: CJEU says that live broadcasts are not communication to the public within InfoSoc Directive but Member States can protect themHere's another insightful take by Eleonora on the surreal CJEU decision in Case C-279/13 C More Entertainment, a reference for a preliminary ruling from seemingly hyperlink-loving Member State, Sweden, which was supposed to address linking and copyright. [read post]
20 Nov 2007, 8:55 am
In the interwar and early postwar periods, the major French couture houses tacitly sanctioned some design copying, permitting a few American producers to attend their Paris runway shows in exchange for "caution fees" or advance orders to couture gowns.[20] Wholesalers and retailers were barred from Parisian shows unless explicitly invited and had to follow certain rules: no photos or sketches could be published until after a set date, and deliveries to customers and… [read post]
16 Mar 2015, 3:10 am
A call for sanity‘Is it acceptable that the European Union abandons its powers in favour of the Member States? [read post]
25 Jun 2014, 2:19 am
BUNN, Appellant, v. [read post]
7 Jul 2019, 10:13 am
If there's a privilege, it won't support a defamation claim Couture v. [read post]
4 Nov 2012, 1:34 am
7 Feb 2024, 5:15 pm
Le premier document ainsi envoyé par fac-similé est une ordonnance du 20 décembre 2021 du docteur Couture, cardiologue. [read post]
21 Dec 2023, 6:00 pm
Diaz v. [read post]
11 Jun 2010, 2:20 am
For example, the Respondent in CHRISTIAN DIOR COUTURE v. [read post]
14 Feb 2020, 3:38 pm
See Couture v. [read post]
4 May 2020, 10:35 am
State v. [read post]
27 Mar 2013, 9:07 am
Under French law that requires the permission of the couture houses. [read post]
29 Aug 2011, 4:42 am
Inc. v. [read post]
15 Sep 2022, 6:16 am
Couture has appeared as counsel for the remaining defendants, Kilroy’s on Kirkwood and Kilroy’s Sports. [read post]
3 May 2022, 2:58 am
ESRT Empire State Building, L.L.C. has filed a figurative application for an image of the Empire State Building (see below) covering, among other things “non-fungible tokens (NFTs)” and “downloadable multimedia files containing artwork authenticated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs)” in Class 9 (see here).The sheer number of ‘Metaverse-related’ filings already present on the register indicates that brands are determined to secure their protection… [read post]
8 Mar 2021, 7:05 am
Part II involves a bridal wear business’ (JLM Couture) successful reclaim of its Instagram and other social media accounts. [read post]
14 Apr 2015, 9:50 am
[UPDATE: here’s a preview.] * NY Times: The Weird Science of Naming New Products * From ICANN: ccTLDs aren’t subject to writs of attachment. * Couture v. [read post]
26 Sep 2008, 11:45 pm
You can separately subscribe to the IP Thinktank Global week in Review at the Subscribe page: [] Highlights this week included: WIPO General Assembly opens: New Director-General delivers acceptance speech (IPRoo) (IAM) (WIPO) (WIPO) (WIPO) (IPKat) (WIPO) (Intellectual Property Watch) (Intellectual Property Watch) (Managing Intellectual Property) (WIPO) (IP Menu News) CAFC: 'Point of novelty' design test thrown out; the value of amicus briefs: Egyptian Goddess, Inc… [read post]