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26 Jun 2017, 3:30 am
Ted Sichelman In the last twenty years or so, numerous IP scholars have questioned – indeed, many have vigorously doubted – the need for robust intellectual property rights in order to generate significant incentives to spur innovative and creative activity. [read post]
20 Jul 2010, 9:14 am
Guest Post by Robert Merges and Pamela Samuelson, UC Berkeley School of Law; Ted Sichelman, University of San Diego School of Law In our previous post, we discussed three major findings from the Berkeley Patent Survey—the most comprehensive survey to date in the United States, probably worldwide, on how patents are used by and affect entrepreneurs, startups, and early-stage high technology companies. [read post]
26 Dec 2012, 11:09 am
The next addition to the Classic Scholarship Project is by Ted Sichelman, Professor of Law at the University of San Diego School of Law, whose scholarship is available here. [read post]
9 Apr 2010, 10:44 am
Ted Sichelman is an Assistant Professor at the University of San Diego School of Law, where he teaches patent law and other intellectual property courses [read post]
6 Aug 2011, 4:25 am
The underlying meaning of the word "patent," as distinct from the word latent, is a tip-off.In the context of a paper about patents ("Berkeley Patent Study"), authors Robert Merges, Pam Samuelson, and Ted Sichelman presented the rather (shocking) statement at Patently-O:To make further inferences, especially without access to the underlying data in the study—which we cannot make publicly available due to confidentiality restrictions—will almost… [read post]
21 Jul 2010, 9:16 am
Guest Post by Robert Merges and Pamela Samuelson, UC Berkeley School of Law; Ted Sichelman, University of San Diego School of Law In our previous post, we discussed some of the major findings from the Berkeley Patent Survey—the most comprehensive survey to date in the United States, probably worldwide, on how patents are used by and affect entrepreneurs, startups, and early-stage high technology companies. [read post]
8 Dec 2014, 10:37 am
There were three more papers selected for the Intellectual Property II session on the second day of CELS, which I'll briefly describe here:Patent Trolls: Evidence from Targeted Firms by Lauren Cohen, Umit Gurun & Scott Kominers, with commentary by Ted Sichelman. [read post]
13 Sep 2015, 6:46 pm
Guest Post by Ted Sichelman, Professor of Law and Director of the Technology Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property Clinic and Center for Intellectual Property Law & Markets at the University of San Diego School of Law, and Shawn Miller, Lecturer in Law and Teaching Fellow in Law, Science & Technology at Stanford Law School As Patently-O has described in detail (e.g., here and here), patent litigation rates have been in flux over the last several years. [read post]
14 Mar 2014, 8:08 am
Ted Sichelman, University of San Diego School of Law The standard justification for patents is that they are necessary to allow inventors to recoup R & D costs in the presence of low-cost copying. [read post]
27 Jun 2018, 3:30 am
This marvelous collection of essays, edited by Shyam Balganesh, Ted Sichelman and Henry Smith, assesses the Hohfeldian legacy. [read post]
31 Dec 2012, 6:15 am
I am also excited about extending Mike Madison's list of classic patent scholarship with additions by TJ Chiang, Michael Risch, and Ted Sichelman (and more to come!). [read post]
15 Nov 2020, 6:00 pm
Ted M. [read post]
26 Jul 2019, 3:30 am
Ted Sichelman Christopher Langdell’s “case” method of teaching the law has dominated the law school classroom for over a century. [read post]
17 Jul 2018, 3:30 am
(See Ted Sichelman’s jot.) [read post]
3 Dec 2009, 8:59 pm
Ted Sichelman is an Assistant Professor at the University of San Diego School of Law, where he teaches patent law and other intellectual property courses. [read post]
19 Mar 2017, 5:26 pm
Ted Sichelman, University of San Diego School of Law As Patently-O has described in several posts (here, here, here), the Supreme Court is poised to decide the fate of the patent exhaustion doctrine in Impression Products v. [read post]
3 Sep 2018, 3:30 am
Ted Sichelman It’s rare for two JOTWELL editors to choose the same article to review. [read post]
12 Aug 2013, 10:50 am
Cotter, Make No Little Plans: Response to Ted Sichelman, Purging Patent Law of ‘Private Law’ Remedies. [read post]
19 Jul 2010, 6:08 am
Guest Post by Robert Merges and Pamela Samuelson, UC Berkeley School of Law; Ted Sichelman, University of San Diego School of Law Why do entrepreneurs and startup companies file for patents? [read post]
8 Jan 2013, 10:15 am
The Anticommons in Biomedical Research, 280 Science 698 (1998)Ted Sichelman mentioned this article, but it bears repeating. [read post]