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30 Mar 2018, 12:17 pm
S., at ___ (slip op., at 7) (citing Textile Workers v. [read post]
9 Jul 2019, 4:11 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
Kislev Partners, LLP v Sidley LLP  2019 NY Slip Op 31850(U)  June 27, 2019 Supreme Court, New York County Docket Number: 152739/2018 Judge: Saliann Scarpulla is an example of a multi-million dollar tax shelter fraud case in which Plaintiffs waited too long to sue. [read post]
18 Jul 2023, 9:05 pm by Ronald M. Levin
Surely the Court’s concept of “cognizable” legal injury will require further elaboration before long. [read post]
24 Jan 2012, 9:40 pm by blogarbadmin
Supp. 2d 21 (D.D.C. 2011) at  denying the Republic of Argentina’s motion to vacate and granting BG Group’s cross-motion to confirm, the Final Award rendered against the Republic in the international investment arbitration case of BG Group PLC v The Republic of Argentina, and vacated said Award (Republic of Argentina v. [read post]
24 Jan 2012, 1:28 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
InBanushi v Epstein ;2012 NY Slip Op 30123(U); ; January 11, 2012; Sup Ct, NY County; Docket Number: 402693/10; Judge: Doris Ling-Cohan "In May, 1998, Banushi hired Epstein to litigate a case that was already in progress. [read post]
3 May 2018, 3:54 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
  Here, in Cooper v Klencner  2018 NY Slip Op 30664(U)  April 13, 2018  Surrogate’s Court, New York County Docket Number: 2014-2912/C  Judge: Rita M. [read post]
28 May 2018, 2:17 pm
(U.S.S.C., April 2, 2018, Encino Motorcars, LLC v. [read post]
6 Oct 2019, 3:37 am
We may depart from the policies found in the statutory scheme in discrete instances based on long-established history, see, e.g., Atlantic Sounding Co. v. [read post]