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12 Aug 2010, 8:11 am by Kashmir Hill
Saletan dug up the court records in 13-year-old v. [read post]
28 Oct 2020, 9:01 pm by Vikram David Amar
Justice Kavanaugh has since voted to reject review of the Pennsylvania postmark case, so perhaps with the benefit of a bit more time he has reconsidered things, but three of his colleagues continue to push the Bush v. [read post]
25 Dec 2016, 7:45 am by Alfred Brophy
Haverty-Stacke, Trotskyists on Trial: Free Speech and Political Persecution Since the Age of FDR Sanford V. [read post]
10 Nov 2009, 12:46 pm by Steve Bainbridge
Guhan Subramanian has posted an interesting study of the Delaware takeover statute (§ 203), in which he and his co-authors find that “no bidder in the past nineteen years has been able to achieve 85% in a hostile tender offer against a Delaware target. [read post]
2 Dec 2010, 9:16 am by Roshonda Scipio
Finn.Finn, John E.Chantilly, VA : Teaching Co., c2006.KF4750 .F56 2006 DVDCivil RightsKF372 .J36 2010Root and branch : Charles Hamilton Houston, Thurgood Marshall, and the struggle to end segregation / Rawn James, Jr.James, Rawn.New York, N.Y. : Bloomsbury Press, 2010.Civil RightsKF4155 .S77 2010Mendez v. [read post]
23 Feb 2023, 12:42 pm by Norman L. Eisen
Scott Perry (R-Penn.) is protected by the Speech or Debate Clause from the Jan. 6 criminal investigation. [read post]
1 Aug 2023, 8:04 pm
 Pix Credit: William Blake (British, 1757–1827) The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in Sun (Rev. 12: 1–4), ca. 1803–1805 – Brooklyn Museum The progress of the demonification of Donald Trump continues apace (for an early sense about the arc of this perhaps inevitable passion, see As the Trump Administration Fades into the Shadows of History (and Myth) Lessons Left Unlearned (8 November 202).Donald Trump has been indicted for a third time this year by… [read post]
21 Dec 2009, 3:06 am
Miller (Lewis and Clark), Judith V. [read post]
22 Jun 2018, 3:31 am by Edith Roberts
At the Mississippi Business Journal, Ben Williams maintains that “[r]egardless of what Congress and the States do with sports gaming” after the court’s ruling in Murphy v. [read post]