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14 Feb 2014, 4:03 am by Jeremy
(Martin Husovec also notes that authorized communication to the public is at least in theory narrower concept than legal publication eg. due to a copyright exception.) [read post]
30 May 2014, 1:28 pm by Martin Husovec
The author of this blog post, Martin Husovec, is an IMPRS-CI Doctoral Research Fellow at Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition and currently a visiting researcher at Stanford Center for Internet and Society. [read post]
4 Feb 2016, 12:10 pm
Facebook GIF buttonThanks to Katfriend and scholar Martin Husovec (Tilburg University) this Kat has become aware that, after Facebook, also Twitter is on the move to introduce a dedicated GIF button (although for the moment it is only testing it on its mobile version).As most IPKat readers will know, a GIF [which stands for graphic interchange format and - importantly - must be pronounced with the same soft 'g' of 'gelato'] is "something between an emoticon and… [read post]
15 Jun 2015, 7:13 am
Katfriend Martin Husovec tells all.* "Spy scandal" - EPO hits the news in GermanyA German newspaper reports that computers on the EPO premises which were available for use by the public, by attorneys visiting the office, and by members of the Administrative Council, had keylogger software installed, which could have recorded all user inputs as well as taken snapshots of the screen and photos. [read post]
12 Jan 2020, 9:52 am
The value gained from identifying a common ground is also illustrated with respect to damages in European private law.Edited by Franz Hoffmann and Franziska Kurz, the book includes chapters authored, respectively by: Franz Hoffmann and Franziska Kurz, Paul S Davies, Jan Felix Hoffmann, Andreas Funke, Klaus Ulrich Schmolke, Jens-Uwe Franck, Dorothea Magnus, Bejamin Raue, Luboš Tichý, Christian Heinze, Orit Fischman Afori, Martin Husovec, Christian Twigg-Flesner, and Jonathan… [read post]
7 Jun 2019, 10:30 am by Guest Blogger
It has to amount to credible and timely contestability of decisions, which platforms cannot simply override without too much effort.Martin Husovec is Assistant Professor at Tilburg University (appointed jointly by Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society & Tilburg Law and Economics Center) and Affiliate Scholar at Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet & Society (CIS). [read post]
13 May 2013, 7:26 am
Fresh from Dallas, where he gave a jolly good account of himself at one of the International Trademark Association's Scholarship sessions, Martin Husovec has put his draft paper "In Rem Injunctions: Case of Website Blocking" on SSRN so that you can comment on it (you can access it here). [read post]
18 Jul 2017, 9:04 am by Martin Husovec
The brief (and parts of this blog) were put together by three students of Tilburg Law School (Dane Carlson, Giannis Ntokos and Katerina Psychogyiou) under supervision of Martin Husovec (Assistant Professor at Tilburg Law School, TILT&TILEC) and Russian scholars: Elena Buiantueva, Natalia Chuyko and Ruslan Nurullaev. [read post]
13 Mar 2013, 3:20 pm
 Donations to send young Slovak IP scholar and blogger Martin Husovec all the way from Central Europe to Dallas, Texas, for  this year's International Trademark Association Meeting continue to come in. [read post]
28 Feb 2019, 9:32 pm
Thus, the Court had to assess whether Swisscom could be held liable or accountable (see Martin Husovec’s excellent work for more details) for third parties infringements. [read post]
13 Feb 2014, 4:04 pm
Billed in the English version of the Curia website as an exciting ruling on "Agriculture and fisheries", it would have been ignored altogether were it not for a well-aimed email from scholar, Katfriend and fellow blogger Martin Husovec, who told him what it was really about.Thursday 13/02/201409:30JudgmentC-31/13 PAgriculture and fisheriesHungary v CommissionCourt of Justice - Third ChamberHUCourtroom I - Level 8The text is not available in EnglishAdvocate General : Cruz… [read post]
18 Jul 2017, 5:45 pm by Martin Husovec
The brief (and parts of this blog) were put together by three students of Tilburg Law School (Dane Carlson, Giannis Ntokos and Katerina Psychogyiou) under supervision of Martin Husovec (Assistant Professor at Tilburg Law School, TILT&TILEC) and Russian scholars: Elena Buiantueva, Natalia Chuyko and Ruslan Nurullaev. [read post]
11 Sep 2013, 12:54 pm
The MARQUES Class 46 blog announces the publication of Martin Husovec's excellent paper on in rem actions to protect IP by, for example, seeking blocking orders against internet service providers.A Tale of Two Kitties? [read post]
28 Apr 2014, 7:11 pm by Martin Husovec
Shortly after a series of coordinated suicide attacks in central London in 2005, the European Union reacted by passing the so called Data Retention Directive. [read post]
26 Feb 2020, 5:56 am
Kesan, after reviewing the successive attempts to arrive to an Open Standard definition, explain the rationales for governmental bodies to opt for open standards to finalise with the consequences of the adoption of open standards: the (vendor) lock-in effects, the need for interoperability – also at governmental level – and the need of developing standards that are capable of being used by many implementations.Martin Husovec´s Chapter 10 “Standardization, Open Source… [read post]
16 Feb 2018, 12:45 am
In the meantime, join IPKat in perusal of a review by Sir Richard Arnold of Martin Husovec's Injunctions against Intermediaries in the European Union: Accountable But Not Liable? [read post]
2 Mar 2018, 5:02 am by INFORRM
Speakers: David Erdos (CIPIL, University of Cambridge) Martin Husovec (Tilburg University) 12:30-13:30 – Lunch 13:30-14:45 – Session Three: Notice-based remedies for illegality This session will look horizontally ex post notice-based remedies that are and/or should be available in the case of alleged illegality. [read post]
31 Jul 2012, 2:47 am
The IPKat has also received the following from fellow blogger Martin Husovec (Legal Counsel & Researcher at EISi): "The company Green-Swan Pharmaceuticals CR (Green-Swan) sells the food supplement "GS Merilin", which packaging also includes the following sentence (health claim):  "The preparation also contains calcium and Vitamin D3, which help to reduce a risk factor in the development of osteoporosis and fractures". [read post]
18 Jul 2017, 8:42 am by Hutko
The brief was put together by three students of Tilburg Law School (Dane Carlson, Giannis Ntokos and Katerina Psychogyiou) under supervision of Martin Husovec (Assistant Professor at Tilburg Law School, TILT&TILEC) and Russian scholars: Elena Buiantueva, Natalia Chuyko and Ruslan Nurullaev. [read post]