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6 Feb 2008, 1:12 pm
The anonymous Editor of Blawg Review appeared today at ALM's LegalTech New York trade show, where vendors are currently showing off the latest and greatest of legal gizmos, gadgets and doodads for parts of the legal community.I was lucky enough to catch up with Ed at a bloggers breakfast before the show, thanks to a generous invitation from Monica Bay and friends at ALM. [read post]
23 Apr 2014, 6:30 am by Jeff Welty
The Supreme Court just decided a case that significantly changes North Carolina law regarding whether a traffic stop can be made based on an anonymous 911 call alleging bad driving. [read post]
18 Feb 2008, 5:25 am
Specifically, an issue has arisen concerning what standard to apply in defamation suits brought against anonymous bloggers. [read post]
24 Apr 2011, 6:49 pm by Doug Isenberg
After all, anonymity is a trusted tool of dissidents and whistle-blowers. [read post]
3 Jan 2007, 2:12 pm
In the middle ages, Anonymous Editor explains, veiled mummers marked the 12... [read post]
4 Dec 2024, 8:00 am by Mike LaChance
" The post FOX News Employees Defend Pete Hegseth After NBC News Publishes Anonymously Sourced Hit Piece first appeared on Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion. [read post]
23 Oct 2023, 5:00 am by Jonathan I. Nirenberg
  Accordingly, she eventually reported the fraudulent activity anonymously, through KMBS’ employee whistleblower hotline. [read post]
22 Mar 2017, 4:48 pm by Stephanie Lacambra
The First Amendment also protects the right to exercise these basic rights anonymously because, as Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens wrote: Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. . . . [read post]
25 Jan 2008, 6:20 am
 With that said, I understand that many very interesting blogs are anonymous because the writer’s circumstances force them to post anonymously because otherwise they would be promptly fired. [read post]
22 Oct 2010, 10:03 pm by Walter Olson
” Someone who saw it denounced her anonymously to the Fair Housing Center of West Michigan which proceeded to file a civil rights complaint against her to the Michigan Department of Civil Rights. [read post]
8 Mar 2011, 9:00 pm
The hacker collective Anonymous has once again cranked up Operation Payback, its attack on pro-copyright trade groups, this time taking down the website for Broadcast Music International (BMI). [read post]
18 Jun 2011, 4:44 pm by LawDiva
British Columbia 2011 BCSC (656)) which banned the practice of anonymous sperm donation, a first in North America. [read post]
30 Nov 2011, 4:20 pm by INFORRM
Such an order is effectively a hybrid between an Anonymity Order and a Restricted Reporting Order. [read post]
15 Oct 2007, 2:17 pm
Hopefully, the judge will ensure that the anonymous posters have notice and an opportunity to respond before their identities are revealed. [read post]
24 Mar 2022, 7:49 am by Ehsan Ghavidel
New duties protecting against anonymous online abuse The two new duties will require Category 1 service providers to give users the ability to: Block anonymous trolls. [read post]
27 Apr 2012, 5:50 am by Peter S. Vogel
Freedom of speech under the First Amendment of the Constitution does not protect anonymous libel and slander posted on the Internet. [read post]