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18 Aug 2010, 6:20 am
"You're doing the same work, you're getting paid the same, but you don't have the risk," said Mark Calabria, director of financial regulation studies at the libertarian Cato Institute. [read post]
7 Dec 2023, 3:02 pm
After Hurricane Katrina, Allstate was criticized for not agreeing to pay claims on the Gulf Coast that it should have. [read post]
13 Aug 2010, 6:00 am
Now the fighting issue may become one of res judicata or offensive issue preclusion. [read post]
22 Feb 2007, 1:03 am
Dianne Feinstein RE: California Crude Oil (PDF 780 KB) Report finds California crude oil price fluctuations are consistent with broader market trends ENVIRONMENT02/20/2007
Letter to National Academy of Sciences President Ralph Cicerone from House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (PDF 96.1 KB) Letter requests the academy convene an expert panel to examine the key environmental and economic issues related to biofuels and liquid fuels derived from… [read post]
26 Aug 2010, 6:53 pm
They’re lovely! [read post]
11 Aug 2007, 3:13 am
Two days after the Minnesota bridge collapse gave us our most blatant reminder since Katrina that we're starving our national infrastructure, the leading Republican presidential candidates found themselves forced to answer (or at least to dance around) this question from David Yepsen in a Sunday morning ABC debate: [I]s it time we raise the federal gas tax to start fixing up our nation's bridges and roads? [read post]
1 Sep 2011, 7:07 am
Then again, we’re not so sure we really want this simple freight-forwarder to turn its pen in our direction. * With the five-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and 10-year anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks just about now, and on the heels of an unusual East Coast earthquake and a pretty nasty hurricane, we’re not sure anyone can argue August is dull generally these days. [read post]
16 Sep 2013, 7:08 am
It knew Germany was not re-arming, in violation of all treaties and accords. [read post]
20 Aug 2010, 2:00 am
It cost me the possibility of a military pension and a $20,000 re-enlistment bonus. [read post]
14 Jul 2008, 1:35 pm
In April 2007, State Farm agreed to re-evaluate more than 3,000 Hurricane Katrina claims. 5. [read post]
12 Jul 2008, 5:54 am
In April 2007, State Farm agreed to re-evaluate more than 3,000 Hurricane Katrina claims. 5. [read post]
12 Jan 2007, 12:07 am
Or maybe it's an outgrowth, as one law firm partner speculated, of "the lawyer personality -- they're very ambitious and very oriented to win at games. [read post]
3 Jun 2024, 3:00 am
” Pride Parade participant Katrina Vinson is founder of the Pride Riders. [read post]
9 Jul 2008, 8:01 pm
In April 2007, State Farm agreed to re-evaluate more than 3,000 Hurricane Katrina claims. 5. [read post]
4 Jun 2024, 1:50 pm
We’re here to help you find answers and fight for justice. [read post]
11 Dec 2018, 4:00 am
” Yup, we’re back to the cloud again. [read post]
29 Aug 2012, 1:50 pm
If the schools are open, then we’re open. [read post]
2 Dec 2013, 6:43 am
Co., 536 F.3d 418 (5th Cir. 2008) (held removable as a “mass action”); In re Katrina Canal Litigation Breaches, 524 F.3d 700 (5th Cir. 2008) (held removable as a “class action”). [read post]
17 Jul 2023, 9:09 am
“Losses from hurricanes and tropical storms have risen along with sea temperatures,” says Eberhard Faust, a climate scientist at Munich Re. [read post]
5 Sep 2023, 5:55 am
And a decade on from Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, thousands of evacuees had never returned home. [read post]