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11 Oct 2023, 1:23 am by Roel van Woudenberg
The same documents D20 and D21 as used in the opposition proceedings concerning the patent in suit were invoked against the subject-matter of the application in suit. [read post]
15 Apr 2016, 9:00 am by Samantha L. Walls
The Court saw “no justification for limiting or nullifying Bank of America’s contractual rights by application of a rule designed to determine Bank of America’s rights in relation to the mortgagors. [read post]
6 Jul 2021, 12:03 pm by Brett S. Theisen
The Third Circuit determined that, because the license was not a property right under Pennsylvania state law, sovereign immunity barred the trustee’s action against the Commonwealth. [read post]
6 Jul 2021, 12:03 pm by Brett S. Theisen
The Third Circuit determined that, because the license was not a property right under Pennsylvania state law, sovereign immunity barred the trustee’s action against the Commonwealth. [read post]
6 Jul 2021, 12:03 pm by Brett S. Theisen
The Third Circuit determined that, because the license was not a property right under Pennsylvania state law, sovereign immunity barred the trustee’s action against the Commonwealth. [read post]
4 Aug 2015, 7:37 am by Patricia Salkin
When reviewing a planning board’s determination, “courts consider substantial evidence only to determine whether the record contains sufficient evidence to support the rationality of the Board’s determination” (Matter of Kearney v. [read post]
23 Jul 2012, 2:32 am by Marta Requejo
In cross-border disputes between parties residing in different EU Member States, domicile shall be determined in accordance with Articles 59 and 60 of Regulation (EC) No 44/2001. [read post]
9 Oct 2010, 6:10 pm by Kevin Jon Heller
  If the Supreme Court had the right, “political question doctrine” notwithstanding, to determine the nature of the conflict between the U.S. and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, it certainly has the right now to determine the nature of the conflict between the U.S. and AQAP in Yemen — including determining that no conflict actually exists between the two. [read post]
28 Jul 2008, 10:08 am
Third, Judge Wilkinson fails to acknowledge the role of international human rights law in the matter of detention powers. [read post]
6 Dec 2018, 7:39 am by Written on behalf of Peter McSherry
This can be of enormous significance to the worker for matters such as minimum wages, vacation and termination payments, human rights and health and safety protections. [read post]
6 Dec 2018, 7:39 am by Written on behalf of Peter McSherry
This can be of enormous significance to the worker for matters such as minimum wages, vacation and termination payments, human rights and health and safety protections. [read post]
1 Dec 2015, 5:09 am
In any case, where several fundamental rights are at issue, the authorities and courts of the Member States must not only interpret their national law in a manner consistent with the InfoSoc Directive, but also ensure that they do not rely on an interpretation of it which would be in conflict with those fundamental rights or with the other general principles of EU law, such as the principle of proportionality.Unlike Advocate General Cruz Villalon in his… [read post]
13 Feb 2024, 5:20 am by skbhtg
These provisions help protect both parents’ rights and the child’s best interests. [read post]
19 Aug 2024, 12:16 pm by Mac Kelly
 Specifically, to be “final,” an order must “determine[] rights, duties, privileges, benefits, or legal relationships of a person. [read post]
14 Nov 2020, 3:12 pm
  As a preliminary matter, mediators need to determine who is writing a check to whom; then, it’s a matter of how much. [read post]
4 Dec 2013, 8:57 am by Florian Mueller
This lawyer is becoming a hell of a nightmare for Google...If you'd like to be updated on the smartphone patent disputes and other intellectual property matters I cover, please subscribe to my RSS feed (in the right-hand column) and/or follow me on Twitter @FOSSpatents and Google+.Follow @FOSSpatents Share with other professionals via LinkedIn: Share| [read post]
26 Jan 2023, 10:52 am
Attorney Ross will work tirelessly to ensure your rights remain protected and respected throughout your contested divorce. [read post]